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PS4 Afternoon ark family I washed my fone and my cheap fone has no data so I'm using my...


Ryan Sykes

All you'll find right now are rejects from mega tribes and insiders

Michael Green

It's crazy

Cyp Jor Req

I play on cross ark se map and use the island map to test people out. Works pretty good and if they do good I bring to my center map that is most hostile lol

Nathan Arnold

Make a sister tribe for the recruits to join and then pick them from there

Kyle Elrod

I trust no one
A lot get wiped due to pussy big tribes that you guys call alphas
Because they like to make stupid rules
Or they want the server for only there tribe so they wipe everyone out
So yea alot get wiped for just existing in a server

1 good thing is if you get bigger and have a mixed tribe of randoms you met and there are other tribes smaller willing to merge in with you but are all made of randoms that they just met on the game and have no connection to watch other
You can do as I did once
And have them all merge make sure you have a admin area that is admin locked
Make sure only admins can unclaim and only dmins can demolish structures. As well
Give them a trial period in your tribe get rid if the lazy slackers who are usualy young and say gimme gimme gimme my chicken tendies
And boot em for not contributing to the tribe
But don't treat these people like slaves they are tribe mates try to become friends with them ext.
They guys that will be a issue will make them selfs a issue and you can just throw them out
Some times 2 if them are real life friends and if 1 is a issue but the other is not well your going to ha e to throw them both out due to the risk.
I'd digest getting all 18+ not all under 18 are stupid kids I have met some 12 and 13 year olds act more grown up then 17 18 year olds so if there tribe comes with a few give an a shit atleast
Always ask the tribe leaders of thoes merging tribes if they trust every one in there tribe
If they do it's a good thing but also can be a bad thing
The ones that have a few suspected issue players take notes of an and watch em ext.
But any ways in rambling one
You can end ton with a pretty decent sized tribe with pretty decent people
And some good friends down the road.
And will stick with you no matter what
Hell I had people join us and we got rid of all issue players
And then we ended up getting wiped but I areas of all splitting up we bonded in that short period of time and we moved on to different servers
And build up again and kicked ass even wiped a few more times befor we ended up going separate ways
Due to some got tiered of the game
I personally just tethered from offical after seeing the cancer it turns I to and when player dedicated not pc rented .

Jonathan W Schroedel

Michael GreenU pvp

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