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After one-tricking for 500+ hours I am learning new heroes. Could someone please give...


ShaNya Johns

After one-tricking for 500+ hours I am learning new heroes. Could someone please give me tips on playing and/or Tracer

Debra Phillips

Spam winky face every 5 second s

Max Bruce

its quite effective to melee to finish a boost to make it easier to blow people up with micro missiles in their face

Lucas Conrad

Become a typical e girl and you are good to go for

Sam Walker

Tracer has no skill ceiling and can 100% carry games, if you become a Tracer god you will be unstoppable

Joop Jones

When I play Tracer, I have my horizontal sensitivity at 100. Helps when you dash through enemy lines so you can turn around faster. Also helps to aim while blinking.

David Watts Jr.

When u pop ultimate got up all the way and as u fall activate it.

Use defense matrix to block rein flame attack and to absorb ults ur: Phara and bastion.

Missile squishes and sheild

Ripley Schleswig

If you were one tricking a hero that requires aim, you’ll enjoy tracer a lot more because of her speed and bumpiness. Honestly you just have to be on point with mobility as tracer. With dva you can pretty much teach yourself how to use her since she’s pretty ez to use, what you need to learn though is the tactical use of her ult

Aubrey Byrd

Whenever you face another D.Va never face her straight on and aim precisely at the head.

Kelli Flynn

Watch Emongg's video with KarQ for one tip against every hero. She isn't too difficult in all honesty and is very effective on the current meta. Just be aggressive and voila.

Ricki Gorospe

For Tracer, always know where you were last when you recall and try to track your target through the blink. With most squishies, you can one clip and melee right after for an easy kill. Always keep one blink in the pocket because you'll need it and never recall after losing a little bit of health. Health packs are your friend.
As for D.Va, it's just dive with knowing when to disengage. If you get de-mech'd, kys. You get your mech back faster. Unless you have great aim, then plink away with the baby lol

Jacob Charley


Joop Jones

Always remember your last 3 seconds before you recall and always recall when you feel like your gonna die. It's too easy to kill Tracer as she doesn't have appt of hp

Craig D'Costa

Watch the pros even if ur mechanical aim isn't great you will get ideas and see the cheeky spots they use giving you better map awareness and in turn better play style

Miia Hatunen

Dvas ult is the easiest to fuck up. But you don't need to get a multikill on every ult. If you're about to win on payload for example, just ult on the payload, make the enemies run away from it. Or just to get the payload rolling. If you're doing good damage, you'll have it pretty fast so there's more than one chance to use it. Also, don't be afraid of orisa (just be in her face and use your missiles, usually freaks them out) or bastion. If you charge into bastion while pumping missiles and defense matrix at the same time, you get him pretty easy too. And be on widowmaker as soon as you see her, get her out of place and fuck up her momentum so she can't get any kills. And of course, dvas defense matrix can eat almost every ult so don't hesitate using it. It can eat about half of pharahs ult so do that and then charge into her while shooting. On maps where you can be pushed out of the map, don't go near the edge unless you have your charge ready just in case.

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