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Switch Zelda BOTW Party Ideas... Hey guys, I'm looking to gather some creative thoughts for a...


Amanda O'Neil

Zelda BOTW Party Ideas...
Hey guys, I'm looking to gather some creative thoughts for a serious Zelda IRL party. My son has been telling the world about his Zelda party since December...and his party will be in April. So, I'm going to follow his lead and put my energy into giving him a true Zelda experience. I know I HAVE to build a really cool guardian somehow for them to smash to pieces and he'd love a blood moon thrown in somewhere. Some shrine-based games with real challenges involving magnets or something would be SO much better than pin-the-tail on the donkey. Any and all games/decoration/fun stuff ideas would be appreciated. I am scouring the internet for stuff to make or buy and I have some ideas flowing, but I know you all are the real deal. The game itself is so amazingly in-depth and I'd like to apply the same strategies as much as I can into the party and give the kids a real treasure, rather than buying Link plates/cups and unnecessary gifts. Thank you!

Bryan LaBarron

Mom of the year ..

Sean Smith

Try something like this for the cake

Andrew Harvey

Get one of those suction-cup bow and arrows and do a loz themed archery contest.

Omar Shariff

You might want to read up on the Zelda themed escape room games.

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Gary Marwedel

Hide some Korok seeds.

Joey Cristina

I love this!! If you do party favors maybe little treasure chests?

Ray Gordon

‎Amanda O'Neil Sounds like an awsome idea, we just had a mario cart party for my 10 year old. The kids all raced each other on Mario cart. We had 4 kids on the switch and four kids on our wii U and gave a prize out at the end. We had several rounds to find the winner.

So I think is there has to be a way to lets the kids compeate in zelda. Maybe one of the challanges like how far can you glide, or the shield surf, or bowling or one of the mini games. Let each kid have a turn and see who wins. And pick up a few cheap zelda toys as rewards for the high scores. My TRU has a lot of cute cheap nintendo stuff for prizes.

This could be a big hit. Only down side is zelda is single player, but it does let the kids play a little even it is just a few mins each. Let us know what you end up doing. I would love to see pictures of a zelda cake if you bake or buy one.

John Smith

Draw their own korok costume and play korok hide and seek.

Mum can be hetsu with macaras to give clues lol.

Last person to get caught gets to be Link.

Craig Holland

Make a candy table. Use some creativity and also use Zelda amiibos to add to decoration.

Craig Holland

Not sure of your space you’ll be using and how many people will be there. But for my sons mine craft party we did it outside and had tables and a few TVs with gamesystems and mine craft on each system. Also made a pin the tail on the mine craft pig. Get table cloths with Zelda colors

Craig Holland


Craig Holland


Colleen Radel

For a DIY cake, never, ever, underestimate the power of plastic toy figures, they double as gifts afterwords.

Craig Holland


Craig Holland

Just some ideas you can translate to a Zelda theme

Joey Cristina

I was just thinking that you could have a game related to returning the cuccos like in every zelda game ever

Craig Holland

Also if you can get all or most of the games cartridges or disc you could do like a Zelda museum and give brief stats on them. (Release dates, history, etc) or do a slide show with the games pictures.

Colleen Radel

For a video game party last year, I bought gold doorway fringey crap, like youd use to cover a doorway only for a party. I bought like three of those and went online and printed out pictures of controllers the size of regular printer paper, cut em out and glued them to cardboard then cut out the the controllers from there. I taped them to the gold fringe and I hung them across the wall for a backdrop so to speak.

Johnny Watkins

Can you hire a link and Gannon to fight? Nothing would be cooler than getting a guy to play link for your party.

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