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To be honest, the Mercy nerf is pretty fair. She is the best healer (the most...

  • Thread starter Julia Chełkowska
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Julia Chełkowska

To be honest, the Mercy nerf is pretty fair. She is the best healer (the most consistent) and by far the easiest (Ana is depending on a player's skill and aim, and her positioning is much more important than Mercy's because she is less mobile, and while playing Moira you have to find balance between heals and damage, simply not to run out of your piss spray). What i mean is that Valkyrie was a much more gamechanging ult than nano or coalescence, and that's not okay, because Mercy is just easier to play than Ana or Moira.
Valkyrie is still great (like wtf, chain healing/damage boosting is pretty fucking good), and now can be used just to save your ass from the enemies (dead Angela is useless Angela). It won't be such a big deal that you have wasted your ult.
Is Mercy harder to carry with now? Yes. But is she unplayable or boring to play? Definetely not. She still is the best healer and you should remember that your ults are not everything, and if double rez valkyrie was the only reason why you were a good Mercy, then I have nothing to say because I can't help you. Just git gut scrubs or wait for an easier hero.

Mercy main btw

Btw feel free to correct me, my English isn't the best.

Stole the pic from someone, hope you aren't mad :D

Daniel Pearson

Moira can easily outheal mercy If they consistently and effectively use healing orb.

Luis Arriaga

I understand mercy is the best healer but if she's the "best healer in game" why nurf her ress blizzard should be nurfing her healing

Zyad ElBos

"Best healer"

Best Asura

As a Mercy main, I think that her beam range during ult should be nerfed. If possible, her beam attachment behind an object should also get nerfed because it indirectly encourages hide n seek behavior for Mercy and not fair for other healers who need to aim as well (I mean left click to heal is already easy enough that the connection behind objects is unnecessary in my opinion).

Luke Schirmer

This is maybe the most objectively fair assessment of the nerf that I've read. It's the most well worded by far

Malvvina Jandura

Moira is easy as fuck, get over it. Mercy gets you 1 gold for free, Moira gets you 3-4. Nanoboost should be buffed tho.

Fernando Arevalo

sadly all support are trash and you can't do much as any of them now, after all nerfs, mercy was the last one that could do a play that made the difference between win or lose, i guess thats why we see 3-4 dps in our games xD

Jay Henry

Fck me finally this the best post I seen since the announcement your bang on right glad someone sees her how I see it x

Adam Lane

God I wish that had been the menu BG

Akina Coleman

As a mercy main it doesn't really matter what they do to her. I'll keep playing my favorite healer, because she is the best.

Luis Vilca Flores

This is nice porn

Julia Chełkowska

there is no toxic mercy mains telling me to fuck off, so i am surprised

Derrick Yutani

To be honest, the Mercy nerf is pretty fair. She is the best healer (the most consistent) and by far the easiest (Ana is depending on a player's skill and aim, and her positioning is much more important than Mercy's because she is less mobile, and while playing Moira you have to find balance between heals and damage, simply not to run out of your piss spray). What i mean is that Valkyrie was a much more gamechanging ult than nano or coalescence, and that's not okay, because Mercy is just easier to play than Ana or Moira.
Valkyrie is still great (like wtf, chain healing/damage boosting is pretty fucking good), and now can be used just to save your ass from the enemies (dead Angela is useless Angela). It won't be such a big deal that you have wasted your ult.
Is Mercy harder to carry with now? Yes. But is she unplayable or boring to play? Definetely not. She still is the best healer and you should remember that your ults are not everything, and if double rez valkyrie was the only reason why you were a good Mercy, then I have nothing to say because I can't help you. Just git gut scrubs or wait for an easier hero.

Mercy main btw

Btw feel free to correct me, my English isn't the best.

Stole the pic from someone, hope you aren't mad :D

Aaron Chan

I mean, Mercy's still going to be the go to healer, but I know that people were complaining that she was boring and never wanted to play her, it makes it worse when people are dps mains and are now forced to play an even more boring hero, people are just going to hate Mercy more now

Petar Mitic

"piss spray" so Moira is now a skunk? lol

Beau Popkin

I agree. (Mercy main) her rez is just too good right now. All you have to do is start playing other supports and stop playing Mercy for a week to see the difference. But her rez isn't even her best ability. That dmg boost is far stronger than most Mercys know it is when used right. And her ult wowzers. Chain dmg boost kills teams

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