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PC once again, fucking period stained noobs that casually playing comp! Im so fucking...

  • Thread starter Daniel Lewington
  • Start date

Daniel Lewington

once again, fucking period stained noobs that casually playing comp! Im so fucking vexxed I could punch an otter!!

Anyone wanna make a comp team?

Prentice Gauthier

What's your Sr bro?

Daniel Lewington

1519 sr

Steve Hughes

Feel your pain

Kayla Guevara

Period stained noobs but your sr is 1519....

Kayla Guevara

The irony is pretty strong

Prentice Gauthier

Add my guys and ill get you out of that rut elementxx158#1337

Daniel Lewington

my sr is that bad because i get put with people who refuse to switch to benefit the team. or people who cant handle the fact the team isnt doing to well so they decide to either throw the game deliberatly or just leaving halfway through a match.

Sam Rae

Period stained noobs? You're a period stained dood for crying so much goddamn, and your can't blame all of it on other people lmfao. Maybe you should just get gud

Bryan Sayas

Why would wanna punch an innocent otter thats what i wanna know... flex or stay down buddy. Atleast earn as many medals as you can if your faced with a los ing team so yo wont lose too much sr.

JP Martel

This poster looks like a little kid having a tantrom because he didn't get his way, if you are this toxic on social media i can't imagine what you are like to play with i'm willing to bet any serious player would remove you from their group based on how toxic of a person you are. It's proven by you're rant here that you are nothing more then a little baby throwing a fit trying to insult other people to make yourself look better honestly i wont say stuff like "get gud" or anything i'll just flat out say you're acting like a child grow the fuck up perhaps and talk to people like people if you want to play seriously find a serious group of people to play with but don' whine on facebook because you are not skilled enough to get yourself into a competitive team.

Michael Mahgerefteh

"wow I can't wait to play online and voice communicate with someone who uses the phrase 'period stained noobs', should be good vibes!"

Daniel Lewington

you know what? you guys are right. it was wrong of me to speak out of place in regards to a matter that i am just as much to blame for. truth is, Im shit at overwatch, not afraid to admit it but more or less afraid to accept it. I talk the talk when the team doesnt do well but im just as much to blame in the matter. Thankyou to everyone who bit back at my post. I needed to hear it, im not trying to be sarcastic of being a dick in this comment, Igenually am thankful for you guys retaliating. I pcik tank of healer in comp because no1 else does, but I dont really play that type so naturally I struggle at it, whenever im in a team and i pick damage, if im asked to switch, i do, but then that probably adds to the combined struggle in the victory of the team, I apologise if my status affended of upset anyone. I take it back. Sorry everyone.

Sam Rae

That takes a lot of balls dude, props to ya and wanna know a secret, I FUCKIN SUCK TOOOOooooOOoO

Kayla Guevara

I bought an account online which was 800 sr and got it to 2300 sr in 2 days using only lucio........

Eddie A. Linares

It's tough getting out of that sr area, and it's not any better around plat. For some reason this season is full of players that refuse to play roles that the team needs..

Donnie Evans

Maybe u should just idk, play better? Lol if ur 1500-2000 SR area and complaining about period stained noobs... Maybe u should ask urself why ur in the same SR as noobs

Danny Rijks

This is a reason i dont play OW anymore. You stuck in the silver hole? You staying there the game will make sure of that..

Rock Underscore

ya know,to deal with toxic players just mute team chat and text chat.If you are good enough and you think you belong in a higher rank then you will climb since if you play like a higher rank,you loose less sr but gain more.Just treat comp like qp but you want to win so dont blame your team in game,it will tilt them and make everything worse,instead,focus on your own peformance

Scotty J-Asylum Tarantino

spoken by the grand master of you take a game that you had no part in creating way to serious. and tbh if you were better you'd already have a squad i been playing two weeks and made like 15 friends.. most of whom are really decent and know their why dont you have a crew yet?

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