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PC Okay time for a show of hands. If you're a destiny fan and you just so happen to not...

  • Thread starter Ryszard Janczak
  • Start date

Ryszard Janczak

Okay time for a show of hands. If you're a destiny fan and you just so happen to not feel like playing the game... what stops you from entering into the crucible? If you're not a crucible person, then what stops you from grouping up for raids? Personally I've never raided because I just so happen to be a friendless loser.

Evan Beilschmidt

I do neither because I'm not competitive and I am also a friendless loser lol. I spend and spent most of my time just doing the little side quests and now I just kinda dick around to dick around anymore. It's the lack of social contact that stops me from doing either of the aforementioned though.

Hans Ousman Nielsen

I was also a friendless loser the first week i played the game, then i came to the raid part where friends was neccessary. I asked this group for people to play with, a guy added me. Now im in a clan and we do all the weekly stuff together

Kiyoko Mori

I am pretty much exactly you. I have social anxiety so I don't make friends easily, even online so I don't really have a group of people to run stuff like raids and crucible with so I don't even bother.

Jessen Armstrong

There's a lack of encentive to play, I mean exotic gear doesn't feel exotic so no point grinding, raid gear is just bland the weapons are lower a part from midnight coup and sins of the past, then there's the struggle to find groups to do things, PC chat is a step forward, but yet not enough imo

Ben Rogers

If they introduced an exotic system like they had in D1 it would feel more like earning them than just getting 3/4 every week... I liked how you had to work to get different gun parts and different stages for certain exotics, or complete certain challenges withing certain strikes...also i wish they brought that back, the ability to go into a strike without having to go through randomised playlists

Matt Rajchel

Already done the raid a bunch. Not interested in PvP because there is no incentive for it to me.

Larry Hasan

Bought the season pass and quit 2 weeks later, there goes 110$ lol

Ryszard Janczak

My general method of making friends is adding random people I notice while doing public events and my friends list becomes more of a roster of professional Kiritos. Maybe I feel like playing right now =/

Adam Danger

My problem is, with a 2 year old running around underfoot, I never know how much time I'll have to play. I can probably do a few public events, maybe a crucible or two, probably one strike, but I might randomly have to log off and that limits my options.

Jordan Palmer

Honestly, I'm bored of Crucible & the raids. For me, Overwatch is a better PvP experience and I've always preferred single-player PvE content/games anyway.

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