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New 'Elden Ring' Stats Show How Many Players Abuse Farming Skills

Keith Stawarz

New Member
Bandai Namco recently released the top five enemies killed by players in "Elden Ring," and these stats point to the development of the famous rune farming area, Mogwyn Palace. This popular location offers a lot of experience late in the game and is crucial for Elden Ring players who want to quickly brush up on their runes. Players can prepare enough Cheap Elden Ring Runes in the game.

It's no secret that Elden Ring is a huge hit. Previous information about the game showed that it sold more than 20 million copies in about a year and was considered by critics and gamers to be one of the best games of 2022. In that time, millions of people have explored the world and killed a staggering number of enemies. Fortunately, game publishers are keeping track of this information, and now gamers can get a unique look at how people are playing FromSoftware's latest game.

New information revealed by Bandai Namco, publisher of "Elden Ring," shows that players have defeated a total of 197 billion enemies so far, about 24 times the population of Earth. The data also shows that the top 5 most killed enemies in the game are: Albinauric (Club), killed 9.4 billion times; Putrid Corpse (Magic), killed 8.9 billion times; Exiled Soldier (Crossbow), killed 4 billion times; Albinauric (Bent Sword) ) killed 3.4 billion times, and Humanoid (Bent Sword, Short) down 3 billion times. Together, these enemies account for almost 15% of the enemies defeated in the game. Seasoned Elden Ring players will probably assume that most enemies can be found in Mohgwyn Palace, where Albinaurics are a fairly easy target to kill.

Mohgwyn Palace is the best farming location in Elden Ring, and the data suggests that players have abused it to an absurd degree. One of Ring of Eldon's farming tricks that was very popular with fans early in the game included accessing Mogwyn Palace via teleport early in the game, running directly to the Land of Grace, and then securing permanent access to the area early on.

Some of the other stats Bandai Namco revealed were also very interesting. For example, right now. Elden Ring players have also opened 82 million Colosseum battles and respawned 38.6 million times. In addition, 11.7 million people have acquired the Dark Moon Greatsword, one of the most powerful items in the game. Of course, these numbers will continue to grow as more and more people play Elden Ring after the release of the upcoming expansion pack. See
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