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Looking for honest opinions: Scenario: It is 3-3. We move into overtime. I have gold...


Sharon Gerts

Looking for honest opinions:
Scenario: It is 3-3. We move into overtime. I have gold elims at 52, gold damage, and healing at around 12k as Moira. We have had a bastion all game. I mention I have gold damage while we have a bastion. The instant reply is "It worries me that Moira has gold damage, it means she isn't healing." I say in chat that I have 12k. The Mercy on my team bursts out laughing and says she has 20k.

Do you agree with the Mercy or with the Moira?
From my perspective, if I have over 50% of a solely healer-kit hero while having gold damage and elims, I am contributing more for the team, and therefore excused with a 60% healing score comparing to gold healing.

If you disagree, how much % of healing should characters like Moira have compared to Mercy, for example?

**I am not saying I am 100% right, that's why i'm creating this discussion

Kai Turner

Mercy's healing is more consistent and easier to use than Moira's, so it's obvious that she will have a lot more, I thought?

Vynyl Shiro

You were doing quite fine as Moira.

Seth Acosta

Mercy is more of a dedicated healer, so I would hope a mercy had gold in healing, but medals aren’t really what win games ‍♂.
I feel like your teams DPS was astonishingly low

Juli Perret

I'm on Moira's side. If Mercy wasn't struggling to heal (which I only assume based on her attitude) then I don't see her problem. No shit she'll have 20k, she's a core healer. If Moira is out damaging a Bastion, Junkrat, or any other high damage hero, then there's a serious problem with the people playing DPS. It's like saying Zenyatta isn't doing shit because he's being outhealed by Mercy even if he has gold Obj/Elims/Dmg, like... what?

Herman Castro

Moira all the way last time I had 14k healing and I still got blamed for not healing

Henry Cain

I'm on neithers side
Maybe you should analyze your overall team comp and strategy and figure out what to do better as a team instead of just stating one character should switch based on your own personal stats.

Joe Mizzinno Northrop

That's about my average as Moira with a second healer sooo I'll side with you.

Laeth Thomas

Mercy-- You should not have 60% of what she has, especially on MOIRA. Moira has potentially the best HPS.

Joshua Osiris

Need better dps

Ikce Toutcourt

there's no way you should be gold damage, but that mercy shouldn't have gold healing.

I'am a moira main, gold kill is ok, as long I have or fight for the gold healing, sometime I will dps more, because my team is going good and healing isn't an issue.

But gold Damage? If you're 4-5 gold ok, that literally mean team isn't doing shit. But you should be near mercy in healing done, and I know 12k is alot, but that 8k gap between you isn't good

Ikce Toutcourt

And DPS was really the issue, not healing if mercy and you healed frigging 32k

Laeth Thomas

Unless they're pocketing tanks to inflate numbers and build ults while their dps get their asses pounded.
Idk how someone loses gold damage to Moira on bastion-- either the team isn't working with the bastion or hes throwing

Alejandro Eric Ayala

Sounds like your dps players in that game were garbage

Zac Harrison

Moira is right.. to heal you need to dps. Just because you have gold damage. Doesnt mean your not healing, it means the rest of you team does fuck all.. so they should thank you for getting them this far.

Izak Gainor

As a zen main, I both do healing and damage. When I notice damaged players, I heal them. When I notice enemies, I discord them. Get you a support main who can do both.

Stephen Christian Tonge

10-12k is like my average on Moira in standard games tbh, the Mercy was right.

End of the day though it's clearly not just your fault. The DPS needed to pick their shit up and the tanks obviously needed to protect the team more.

Either way though it sounds like you were going way too hard on damage to try and make up for your DPS, when instead you should've been focusing on healing where Mercy struggles. Like you have an orb that can heal your entire team at the same time, that could easily give the edge in a teamfight. The same could be said for damage, however it's better for your teammates to live longer and secure kills, than die faster and potentially get kills.

Caven Holton

Moira has to refill the healing- meaning you need to take time away from what you're doing to do damage. It isnt your fault its moira's kit.

Nick Laus

You're Moira.. you have to have gold healing every game otherwise you're playing the character wrong lol.

Caven Holton


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