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Xbox One Let’s hear some ark lore theories. Aliens or humans trying to prepare for a doomsday?...


Elizabeth Martin

Let’s hear some ark lore theories. Aliens or humans trying to prepare for a doomsday? What do y’all think is going on?

Mohawk-mikey Winstanley

Aliens and humans doomsday already happened and that why we are the survivors on the arks

Mohawk-mikey Winstanley

The 3rd dlc map images have been released and once you ascend on aberration you will see

Elizabeth Martin

So where did we get the specimen implants?

I literally think the whole thing is a survival test from other humans though. Because I’m the explorer notes, most of the explorers were from different time periods.

Elizabeth Martin

I’ve seen that ascension. I’m thinking it’s earth and the skyscrapers and shit in the background is what makes me think that. Plus the huge specimen shaped building. I just wanna know what the sound was at the end of the cinematic.

Michael Tsukiyomi Herries

Not aliens or humans instead experiments left on automatic after humans went extinct what we see in the arks are robotic automatons

Will Slagter

I think aliens have been visiting earth over and over throughout different time periods abducting things and the sentient being like the humans get implanted by the aliens as a way of tracking the humans and there achievements and that they didn’t expect the humans to get this strong and smart which caused them to be what they are now the ascension boss

Mitchell Wood

Its advanced humans, faced with their own extinction they built the Ark system, programmed it with all the data on the history of earth/ human history/ legend and print new humans (with implants) who will constantly learn to survive. Those who ascend and learn how to live in a variety of survival situations will finally reach real earth in a repopulation attempt

Chris A. Rose

I really like the Homo Deus trials theories. The ARK's are all tests, and once you pass them, you ascend to Homo Deus. As seen by the ascension off of Aberration, the Earth is dying or dead. This is probably a test to find out who throught history is worthy of becoming Gods. We should have gone to another ARK after Aberration, but due to Mei Yin and Helena going to Earth by hijacking the Obelisk, they screwed up the order. I'm guessing the next map will have lots of ruins, disaster similar to Scorched Earth but deadlier, and craters. As for the boss, I'm leaning toward either fighting a God or the thing that is killing or killed the Earth.

Sam Morris

We are aliens test subjects before earth ever started and they are seeing if we would ever survive if ever left alone before they put us on earth also because the way all the islands are set out after u complete the ascension cave it could be like a Rick and morty thing where we generate power for them or along the lines of this

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