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Justice League Movie's Aquaman Will Become Closer To The Comics Character


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It's clear from the marketing alone that the Justice League movie's Aquaman is not exactly the same character comic book fans love. But the actor behind Aquaman's newest incarnation had a message for fans during a Justice League press conference in London: "Stick with it."

"For the people who are like, 'He's not really Aquaman,' it's like, just wait a little bit longer," Momoa said. "Stick with it for a little bit longer."

Marvel set a template in the first phases of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, with heroes mostly debuting in solo films before the focus shifted to team-ups and collaborations in films like The Avengers. DC is doing things differently, and Aquaman will appear first in Justice League, with a solo movie coming in December 2018.

"I want people to know that, in a year, you're going to understand where he came from, what happened to his mother, what happened to his father, and how he was treated in this world," he said. "He didn't know how to use his powers. And sometimes he saved people, and sometimes he lost people, and his human side didn't know how to cope with those things, and he would cover up those things. There's a lot of layers to this guy, and I think once we do get to the solo film and you get to see the man, he's going to take responsibility and help the world and become a king eventually."

This incarnation of Aquaman is a Zack Snyder creation, Momoa said.

"It all kind of came from Zack's mind," he said. "I mean, Aquaman wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him."

"I just wanted to make sure the fans new that this gruff character, this man who lives within the tides, and is not really accepted in two different places--we needed to know where he came from and why he is this grumpy kind of bit of an a**hole to Batman," he continued.

Momoa described himself as "a big kid" and said he couldn't help tugging on Batman's cape while on set.

"It's just surreal that I'm here playing this guy and around these guys," he said. "You'll see us all up there and you'll feel the same way."

Ben Affleck, who stars in Justice League as Batman, chimed in: "I was like, 'Who the f*** keeps pulling on my cape?'"

Justice League hits theaters Nov. 17.

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