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I've been seeing this lately why does everyone kinda dislike symmtra (sorry if I...


Kelsey Murphy

I've been seeing this lately why does everyone kinda dislike symmtra (sorry if I spelled it wrong) I personally think she is a useful character I can see her up and downs but just for people to say "I want symm to leave the game" and that kinda stuff makes the people that play her not so happy I get it's your opinion and this is also mine i sometimes wish people can get use to having all the characters in the game I get that some might be overpowered or just useless but you can't just say that if you don't have so much experience with them. Yet again this is my opinion.

Connor Kirby

Maybe because she has a lock on weapon that does ridiculous damage, shreds tanks and will stay on you through walls?

Russell K Ross

The only people who don’t like sym are people who don’t like switching off they’re main characters to help the team

Amanda Kristeen Zimmer

Who knows.

Sammy Bes

I just dislike her because her weapon requires no aim and it does a ton of damage. Her weapon follows you even if you turn. I dont hate Winston because his weapon, sure it doesnt require aim but it feels less bullshit than Symmetra. I never played Symmetra until I got her 3 weeks ago in Mystery Heroes and got PotG because I just held left click on 4 heroes. It feels cheap imo.


Fuck sym

Jeannie Garcia

They only hate her when they play against her... if someone on their team is good at her, they get happy idiots. There are counters for her. git gud . You mad cause “she requires no skill” but you don’t have skill to kill her... hmmm

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