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Is it me, or do people only say "GG" whenever they win? Like, almost every game I go,...


Travis Neihl Crooks

I make it a point to say gg if I win and gg would if I lose , gotta rise above and keep it sportsman like

Jason Ellis

I say gg when it's legitimately a gg. even if we lost if it was a close fight I'd say it

Nyito Saad

I only say gg ez or flame if they win the first round and say shit before the game even ended. Feelsgoodman.

Tahmid Ar Rafi

Gg only means good when people say it after the game. Otherwise it usually means your doomed or if you have a troll in your team.

Genevieve Morte

I always say gg and wp and try to thank a specific player if they did well (friend or enemy team)

Jitu Pardhi

Not sure if you're making this up. Cuz afaik when you type "ggez" it changes to something super pleasant or super embarrassing.

Silas Betz

Depends. Usually if I lose it’s not a good game. It’s because we got wrecked cuz of two retarded teammates. But if it’s a tight game and actually, well, a “good” game.. then it’s gg

Ionut Buteica

there was a thing at one time from ragtagg i think? i can;t remember but in his video he discussed exactly this problem... and found somewhere hidden on the internet some sort of "GG manners" and it was something in between the lines that some people truly mean gg when they say it but in some scenarios it's not quite adequate to say it no matter how good your intentions are (when you stomp the enemy team). and the following was what i knew but never could have explained: if a game is close, and the winner says gg it's completely fine because they had fun and had a challenge, if you win the game and it was a stomping it's not fine to say gg because you might look like a dick or douche. if you lose the game and you do not say anything then the enemy team should not say anything out of respect but if you lose and say gg, it's only polite from the enemy team to reply with a gg as well, that's why i personally adopted this and i stopped saying gg when i win via a stomping or when i lose via a stomping. i truly only say it when someone from the enemy team or the entire enemy team impressed me with their plays or when it's a really tight game (i had in the last day of the season a 6-5 volskaya game and we won. that was a good fucking game from both teams).hope this clarifies a bit and hopefully some of you will adopt this style of "GG".

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