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Interesting fact: So far Widow has been played in all non-control maps in the OWL with...


Joao Lopes

Interesting fact:
So far Widow has been played in all non-control maps in the OWL with great success.

Another interesting fact:
The players are focused in playing as a team rather than wasting time and energy in bullying the Widow. I wonder why it works.

inb4: "but Gold Widows don't play as well as the Pros"
You know who also doesn't play as well as the pros?
Gold soldiers, gold pharas, gold tracers, gold mercy's, gold zens, etc....


not a Widow-main btw

Marina Ribeiro


Ladd Rakestraw

Widow is a solid def and offense character, in the hands of someone who can play her to her full potential

Eric Giovanny

Looking at the games themselves and her pickrate it seems like Widow is a must-pick at high level for those maps simply because she can control so much ground and force the enemy team to play within a confined space

The only reason this works though is because the rest of the team can engage in a sort of non-committal manner that pressures the enemy team to either aggress or retreat

Either way, shits cool to watch

Tyler Hulegaard

There’s a difference between Widow and those other heroes. A gold level player can still have a high amount of effectiveness on forgiving characters like Soldier, Pharah, Winston, etc.

But with Widow, if you’re not a high skill level player who is gonna constantly nail headshots like in the highest ranks and pro scene, it’s a wasted pick.

Christopher Brown

This is a stupid post, they are literally the very best in the world and it’s preseason, it’s not being taken super seriously.

William Knox

But those heroes have better team utility so even if you're missing shots there's still something you can contribute

Michael Trompert

I recently picked her up again in comp after a hiatus for about a year. Surprised to see so many positive results/reactions
(Gold, ps4)

Onat Çalık

A widow main approves

Mario Flores

In lower Sr you don't have to worry about the widow as much, because most of the time they can't hit the shots as where the pros can hit the shots and you have to be way more aware of them

Taylor Wood

How do i watch it?

Vojtěch Moonroot Doubek


Austin Farr

Idc who anyone plays as long as they're working with the team, communicating, and not sucking too bad

Aaron Lewis Hernandez

It is not the fault of people trashing on a widow. Consider the fact most gold tier players have below average statistics in almost anything when they are compared to those in diamond and up. In gold tier a widow could work if they had great positioning, great accuracy, great team work, game sense, and map awareness. I am a gold Junkrat myself and even I struggle with everything I said. People are in gold for a reason, people are placed at the rank they play at for a reason. It is their overall skill level. Some can play extremely well for their rank and remain gold because of team compositions, I think I am among these since I have studied the game alot, and they are truly outliers that must be considered. However a gold widow is most likely a Widow that will perform at a not so decent level when compared to other characters like soldier and mecree who require less skill to master and climb from lower levels.

Marina Ribeiro

How can a gold widow be more than gold if people dont want to play with widows?....please...

Maddi Bradford

I’m sorry, but if you’re in Bronze/Silver, chances are you’re not going to be a good Widow/Hanzo.
Your rank is based off your skill level, which includes things like accuracy and positioning. If those were better, you’d be higher and then you probably would be a decent sniper.
But when you’re a silver Widowmaker, against a DVa, you are going to get slaughtered every time. Same with a Soldier, or a Genji... I could go on.
Play whoever you want in quick play, I legitimately don’t care, I use QP to practice heroes all the time, but if you’re going to pick Widowmaker as a silver ranked player, it might as well be 5v6 and you aren’t playing as a team at all.

Callie Goodwin

Stop bullying period. Stop telling someone to play someone they don't play. That's why we look at profiles. Complaining about any pick is just a good way to be build any postie team work that may of happened.

Yacine Odin

Widow is a super high skill cap character... gold widows will have almost 0 impact on the game.

Aadil Saqib

For a gold player, it's still easier to play soldier than a widow
Different heroes have different skill floors and skill ceilings.
You really need to keep that in mind

James Brown

Anyone with a good quickscope can destroy with widow

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