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In Xenoblade at first I was really enjoying getting new blades with core crystals. Now...


Augustine Vega

In Xenoblade at first I was really enjoying getting new blades with core crystals. Now that I'm towards the end of the game they're getting extremely frustrating and stressful. I never get the right blade to go with whatever character I want to use, making them unusable because my other teammates who can do the same styles like ATK or TNK have the better blades to go with them, and overdrives are way too rare. I just really want to use Morag and Zeke on my team without them being super bad compared to Tora or Rex. Ugh. Hopefully someone agrees with me
This is like my only strife with the game. Such a great game, just not this core crystal system.

Chris McAtamney

I just realized I could create blades yesterday and I had 30 common crystals and 5 rare ones. Lol. I'm just in chapter 3 so I'm sure things are going to get harder, but if all else fails, just overlevel and outlast your opponents

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