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I really dislike dps players who complain at what support you pick. im a zen main but...


Tom Munce

I really dislike dps players who complain at what support you pick. im a zen main but i make sure we have a second healer before i pick(i hate solo healing as zen) but the amount of times i get asked to change to mercy or Moira by dps players is bad. my reply is always. "if you want mercy pick mercy i will happily play dps". does this happen to any other support or tank mains ? dps asking you to switch?

Udi Haguel

Instalock dps is a huge problem :/

Matt Ramsden

when someone instalocks dps I just don't expect much from them. Occasionally i'll be surprised but mostly I'm not.

April Christine Thompson

If Youre the only healer and one of the three instalock dps people get mad about how there’s not enough healing, let em bitch
If they want a healer or second one then they should seitch

Brando Fernandes

thank you for reaching out about this, as much as id love to blame others i would have to target you in this situation (not all cases) but on the whole its a hell of a lot easier to change your healer to adapt with rest of team comp than it is the whole team to change depending on one healer

Stevie Rey

Toxic dps can smd if they try telling me to switch to a different tank

Vee-Kin Yap

I main tanks.. Ohh it happens... a lot... like 3 instalocks on dps, add 2 more from a hanzo/widow/junkrat/torb pool.. and they start saying "we need a healer"... so like Matt Ramsden said.. dont expect much from them. You could also just expect a loss for that match.. similar to expecting any improvements to the Bayformers franchise

Connor Glasby

The worst thing is when you are a support main and a DPS player cries at you because they keep dying so you say. "If you can do better then you go support and I'll go DPS" but you actually do better than a DPS player.

Ron Roberts

I realize that when people pick healers first people tend to pick a “ working “ comp.

Ron Roberts

I realize that when people pick healers first people tend to pick a “ working “ comp.

Carter Barlow

thats just a shitty mindset play what your team needs fuckstick regards a titled dps flex

Ron Roberts

Shit dps always says we need more healing when in reality they need better positioning and to be better at their job.

Becky Maxx Kemp

Tbh i had a shit zen on my team the other day, 0 healing the first round and we lost... Guess who he picked again for the second round? It's fine if you're good but don't one trick zen if you can't play him well

Dominic Radmer

Usually the DPS with 0 impact and only golds in dying ask this shit, ah wait, Hanzo mains ask always this shit.

Amir Goodger

Its because that every other category is not as fun as dps to them. Why heal or snip with Zen when you could send a pulse bomb that can kill the entire team? Why d va bomb and hope for the best when you can slice and dice the team?

Ron Roberts

People are very narrow minded in that sense.
People tend to go for huge plays instead of many small impact plays. Like if a tracer kills the supports Everytime they respawn they may not get gold medals but their impact to the game was huge.

Ron Roberts

You do realize that tanks enable the dps to do their thing right ? Without good tank play you better be good enough to carry lol

Lexxi Simmons

lolol my friend got asked to switch from because she wasn't a 'real tank'. and the many times they've asked him to switch off lucio as solo heals. there's even the times where he'll pick ana as a SECONDARY healer and they'll still give him shit when he's a really good ana! but never for me, since i normally go mercy if no one else will and i'll go a secondary tank if needed.

Michael Trompert

I hate that the team forces me to go Mercy, but nobody takes care of their Tracer ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Diamond Hope Zeiger

I usually wait to pick whichever healer until I know what tanks we have
Like I’m not gonna go Moira if we have Winston/Dva cause she can’t heal them well
I’ll either go Mercy or Ana

But if we have a Zarya/Hog/Rein/Orisa I’ll go Moira.

Now let’s say we have Zarya/Rein/Genji/Tracer/Lucio

I’ll go Ana/Mercy or maybe Zen

If we have the same comp, sub Lucio for Zen
I’ll go Moira cause Zen can throw orbs on the flankers ;

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