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I hate that a huge percent of the playerbase never played any other multiplayer game...


Kaan Bilge

I hate that a huge percent of the playerbase never played any other multiplayer game before. As a result they don't understand the concept of being overpowered and underpowered, or nerfs and buffs.

They're just like "Omg Blizzard leave Mercy alone" "Omg lol stop complaining" "Don't like it don't play it lmfao"

The most important thing in a multiplayer game is balance. Not the lore, not anything else, it's balance. Because when there are overpowered heroes people will be forced to play them to increase their chances of winning and to not handicap themselves, and underpowered heroes won't be played. That's not how it's supposed to be so developers have only one option to observe this, by listening to the community, mainly pro players.

If all pro players think that Mercy is broken, Blizzard is gonna nerf her. Simple as that.

Jagger Mouser

Also blizzard already said that NO ingame ability is Canon to lore so can be changed as so

Chan Ding Hao

I squished the moth.

James Wright

Mercy is annoying. Doesnt need a nerf.

Tenikka Stanley

Don’t we all start some place? At one point some one thought this about you and that’s what bugs me

Pedro Miguel


Sam Wilkinson

Well yeah balance is the most important but the problem is a lot of people appear to interpret it differently, however this is the sort of thing that comes with a game that has a meta, each hero will have to at some point be in the meta, or out of the meta. That's just the way it is.

Pedro Miguel

And there nothing oficial in the lore about her rez

Marc Angelo Nogaliza Maquiling

Bring back mercy old rez ability but the the time to rezing a teamate is 4 seconds and additional 1 second for each teamate

André Reis

Pro players are a very small of the player base, it's snob to base nerfs/buffs solely on there opinion
I don't mind if they just delete the Rez from her, but they are killing all the fun on playing her, because yes, people also care about the fun part

Mark Walls

The lore is the only thing interesting about overwatch

David Lupu

I hate that a huge percent of the playerbase never played any other multiplayer game before. As a result they don't understand the concept of being overpowered and underpowered, or nerfs and buffs.

They're just like "Omg Blizzard leave Mercy alone" "Omg lol stop complaining" "Don't like it don't play it lmfao"

The most important thing in a multiplayer game is balance. Not the lore, not anything else, it's balance. Because when there are overpowered heroes people will be forced to play them to increase their chances of winning and to not handicap themselves, and underpowered heroes won't be played. That's not how it's supposed to be so developers have only one option to observe this, by listening to the community, mainly pro players.

If all pro players think that Mercy is broken, Blizzard is gonna nerf her. Simple as that.

Chris Bayer

the first valkyrie was where they should've stopped

Cory M Hylton

Awkwardly, a lot of the player base never played an RPG and are ignorant of basic tenets of:
Never split the party
Always protect the healer
Always heal the tank

Now, this game doesn’t require in depth reading of Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War,” but some rudimentary idea of tactics would help.

I fully expect the response to be “dIs iSn’T duh rPG. dIs fPs!” Then, they languish in the lower ranks wondering why, despite their stats, they aren’t getting anywhere.

Alaa Yassine

You should have seen overwatch forums litteraly mercy one tricks emerged outta no where and flooded the forum with posts and downvoting anyone that stated she needed a nerf most of them not even giving an argument besides "omg leave mercy alone shes fine!" Scary stuff i tell ya.

Stephanie Rosado

If you have played any other multiplayer game, you know nobody likes it when they Nerf stuff, so idk why u r complaining of people complaining.

Sergio Barraza

It’s a lot of console players mostly that I see who are inept to the concept of balancing because EA and Activision where the only other FPS games that mattered

Curtis James Littlechild

Complains about people complaining. Ironic.

Justin Dale

I'd rather have someone with MMO experience than a fps.
Can learn a fps but takes time to learn MMO style mechanics

Brendan Rogers

I’ve played many multi games in the past 10 years of my serious gaming habits. I’m sick of the mercy nerds, not because she doesn’t need them or that she doesn’t belong, but it makes it so hard for players like me who play on instinct and muscle memory. I get used to her able to insta Rez, then when they nerf her I have to learn to pace with the delay Rez. Now that one in itself wasn’t too bad, i can get behind that nerf. But it’s the constant rework, no matter how small, that messes with how she is played with muscle memory. I haven’t touched mercy as a main in awhile simply because idk when they’re going to stop her rework and when I’ll be able to learn her again and use her properly. Every other update is a mercy nerf and it makes it incredibly difficult to play her effectively if you’re used to how her kit is used and timed.

Not saying it’s bad when a character gets nerfed or rework. Some need it. But it shouldn’t be a constant never ending process of rework that makes her kit only useful to pocket a hero or hold right trigger, which is the bare basic of her capabilities

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