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how many people here play zarya? she’s fun but i’m not too good with her i think most...


Brian Rudinski

how many people here play zarya? she’s fun but i’m not too good with her i think most of it is accuracy though; anyone have tips?

Simon Skar

Simon Nøttveit

Jacob Steven

Lower your sensitivity for her on the mouse. Mames laser easier to track with. Also, bubble flankers in early game to build charge, and bubble mercy, as she is useful to you

Martin Vinding

Charge is important to a Zarya, she does insane damage at high charge, and she gets her ult way faster. But do not waste all your bubbles for change, then you wont have it to save a teamate when they are in trouble.

She needs good game evaluation. Like for instance if the teams are in a poke fight, there might be a teamfight incoming soon. And you want to save your healers in that teamfight. Spesially now that you have an unique way to protect Mercy while she resses.

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