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Hiya! Idk whether anyone will remember but I posted in this group a long time ago...


Will Narramore

Idk whether anyone will remember but I posted in this group a long time ago about an accident I was in. I was in a car accident that left me with permanent hand tremors.
For a while I thought my time playing Overwatch, League, Titanfall, Warframe and all the other games I enjoy was over. But I asked for a lil bit of advice from you guys and I like to think the situation is better now.
I've custom-built my own ergonomic mouse-pad designed to stabilise my hand at the wrist and with my friend I've installed a gyroscope into my mouse to accomodate and account for the wiggling my hand causes. That and a L O T of time in the practice range and Quick Play has helped me get back on the Overwatch train.
I'd like to say if any of you have been in my competitive games recently, thanks for understanding what's been happening with all this. And thanks to anyone who read the original post and gave me advice as to what to do next, some of the advice you gave me concerning my mouse and keyboard has been immensely helpful! You really kept me going with this game when it seemed like my situation was hopeless.
To celebrate, here's my first POTG in comp since the accident!

Iplaygames Freeman

Wow dude awesome I recently diagnosed with a disability illness, and the pills make me do the same if you could pm your setup that helps you lmk was just playing rein and healers cause of it.

Megan Winkelman

Congrats!! ♡

Matthew Appleton

Good job. It's always nice to see things like this

Eddie Huang

That’s actually pretty impressive, but the good thing about Overwatch is there are characters that can compensate for disabilities

Natalie Ah

Wow, nice! Congrats!

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