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Hey guys, so I’m not sure if it’s just me that gets anxious about playing competitive,...

  • Thread starter Reece Rhaegar Elvaryen
  • Start date

Hailey Sorrels

If it's you're afraid of the toxicity it's okay. You can mute play it like every other match it'll be okay

Daniel Darkko

I usually play some QM to warm up and see if I'm "on" or "off" and take it from there.

Lin Galini

My suggestion regarding comp currently--> as i'm stuck like forever in bronze elo, i finally managed to make a team and we are playing togheter in order to climb. It's extremely risky to q solo. Your chances to win are like 60/40 because there's a high possibility that someone will leave or there's a thrower. If you want to play comp, without being drained, make your own team to play togheter. I'm the only one healer *Mercy obviously* so i know how it feels to be drained after plays..

Victoria Dante

Get a nice group of friends (that know what they're doing) who can do comp with you. Made me less anxious.

Brian Moffett

i usually play about 3-4 comp matches per day, maybe more if i feel like it. while i definitely encourage comp, play it in moderation if you know you will get tilted from playing it too much

Lara Vermilion Pashalek

I have anxiety too and I used to be the same way about comp. I still get nerves sometimes now! The biggest thing to remember, though, is that you ARE good at the game. Once you figure that out, things get hella easier! (If you don’t feel like you’re good, PRACTICE in qp. It really does boost the confidence.) Don’t let the losses mess with you too much, just tell yourself that you’ll get to where you’re going eventually. And finally, take breaks every once in awhile. Even if you’re doing well. I tend to get more anxious when I’m winning lol so the breaks help keep my head even. Ohhhhh and weed helps too xD

Lyndsey Meredith

Yeah I'm the same, I think it's because I'm so close to ranking up I then get nervous :(

Michelle-Jasmine Rebecca-Rosita Eriksson Greneby

For me it helped a lot to play in a duo, to have one more person with me. About the competitive side with the anxiety about loosing SR, I got a second account. Then I know that I at least always have one acc in (now) diamond. One "chill" acc where it doesn't matter if I lose, even if I always do my best, I've climbed higher with my smurf because of that attitude ☺

Stefan Alwyn Theunissen

Switch off team chat and just play to the best you can... that's how I relax

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