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Hey guys, so I’m not sure if it’s just me that gets anxious about playing competitive,...

  • Thread starter Reece Rhaegar Elvaryen
  • Start date

Reece Rhaegar Elvaryen

Hey guys, so I’m not sure if it’s just me that gets anxious about playing competitive, when I feel the urge to play it I usually hesitate then just go on QP, is it best for me to play competitive all the time or just play a few matches of it? & how can I relax more when playing competitive? Cos every match honestly drains my energy.

Dusty Crow

Helps to not listen to voice chat, alot less stress

Shmokin Dabaroonie

Just play as if it wasn't comp the less u stress on the match the better u do
In my exp atleast

Robert Holmes

Play with giys you synergise with. Ones that you know have the learn from mistakes and not flame you for tryoing sort of stuff. Thats the best way to elimate half a cause

Jesse Miller

it's competitive, the very nature of the game type is going to bring on some stress and anxiety. best way to stay calm, is to always focus on what you should be doing and how you can do it better. people that tell you to just avoid team chat are complete idiots. it's a team based game, use voice chat!!!! sometimes you will get ragers and flamers, but you gotta realize that you'll probably never talk to them again so who gives a shit what they say unless it's relevant to the team fight. and if you start to feel yourself getting upset, go play a couple qp games or just log off for a little bit and calm yourself before getting back into comp. but seriously, just focus on yourself, and call out enemy positions. usually even of no one else is talking, they can usually still hear you. and most people are too shy or scared to be the shot caller. so if you take that role upon yourself, you'll see that people do actually listen, not everyone obviously, but a lot of people will listen and you'll win more often. because a lot of people don t understand what feeding enemy ults mean, and they think if I could just hold off until the team gets back. and by the time we're back they're dead and the cycle continues. so use voice coms, evaluate your own performance and remember, it is only a game, but competitive is meant to be competitive so go in with every intention of winning and working with your team. you might be surprised

Jesse Miller

sorry that was a lot of rambling but the general idea is in there

Aj Pomante

Before even going into comp id recommend that you have some what of a decent hero pool be able to at least hold your weight as a tank off tank dps and heals so you can fill if someone only plays one thing other then that relax its just a game your rank dosnt matter and comp is light years better then quick play just play to get better and dont listen if people start bitching just have fun and try your best to win because most games are literally won and lost on the hero select screen

Aj Pomante

Also go on the ow Reddit and competitive sub reddit to watch pro matches or pros stream it helps a lot with positioning

Celine Madsen

I am gonna tell something that doesn't involve why you are stressed but what helped me!

Vynyl Shiro

That's how i felt before I tried competitive. Now I've become a toxic asshole.

Francis Lee

I only ever play ranked unless I’m testing out a new setting or something. Why are you putting so much pressure on yourself? Just play the game as you normally would - relax, try to win, and realise the world won’t stop spinning if you lose.

Kayla Caroline Walling

Play a few matches and that really helped me. I was so nervous my first few matches. I would play with you if you're ever nervous!

Alice Malice

It's not just you! i try to always at least have one person to group up with to help calm my nerves. i do LIKE playing comp, but the throwers and general toxic teammates usually make me not want to play alone

Andrew Davenport

You are probably overthinking it my friend. Put yourself in the cauldron and put your skills out there, your team are no better than you.

Mary Gimenez

I feel you, I almost exclusively play qp.
Personally I only go to competitive when I don't feel like putting up with QP's average triple sniper team comps and I want to play seriously

Jerome Carmona Márquez

Focus on the fun aspects of it, sometimes I make a pun on the chat, stuff like that

Sammy Bourgeois

What I find helps me the most is literally just playing competitive more. When I played my first game of competitive I was so nervous that I just... fell off of the indoor Nepal map as Mercy of all characters. Polished that out where my last three or four placements were probably my best games of Overwatch (even the losses)

Michael S. Myth

well if you tank or heal warm up with 4v4 if you play dps play ffa

Nina James

I'm exactly the same way

Mina Davis

That's the trick. Never relax lol jk. Just go in with a positive mindset

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