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PC hey guys i wanna know why i cant get out of silver/gold, like the reasons?

  • Thread starter De Ante Wells-Cacatian
  • Start date

De Ante Wells-Cacatian

hey guys i wanna know why i cant get out of silver/gold, like the reasons?

Sterling Wilson

People are stubborn asses

Danny Rijks

People telling you you're bad in 3...2...1

Zack Hockaday

Game knowledge, the ability to work as a cohesive team, and possibly skill although most likely the other 2. Skill is mostly an issue for people stuck in bronze.

Trey Bewick

Cause that’s the skill rating/rank you belong in

Shivam Pathania

for me its my 170 ping :3 my highest was platinum :( i m a very flexible player , and i managed to climb from bronze to platinum , with only one thing which is to learn the playstyle and counter of every hero and always flex and never throw , even if i had 5 dps in my team i was either tank or heal :)

Raghu Gadam

Call outs for days. Even if nobody else is talking but they're in the voice channel, make call outs (i.e. Rein out of position, genji low, tracer flanking). Also, learn to prioritise your targets in each game.

Magnus Johannesen

Idk. I was s4 silver. Now GM / top 500. I am a support player. So well, find the role for you. Not the role for me or that cool youtuber but the role for you. Learn a shit ton about that role. Keep grinding and you’ll rank up. Trust me :)

Tom Erik Brauer

In silver gold, people tend to tunnel vision and over extend. Or have bad positioning.

Shannon Norris

You should post some video if you playing. That will help us help you.

Eric Hites

im at the high end of bronze because ive gotten shit luck with groups.

Evan Landry

Because it’s just where you belong right now. If you’ve been in the same rank for two seasons or more you just belong there. If you’re dying to get out then just work on improving. It really and truly is that simple.

Ilya Barsamov

Play more. Communicate more. Don't be toxic.

Kenji Koyama

Game sense, mechanics, prioritizing heroes, teamwork, and team compositions

Dan Hill

Seagull said it best himself. "Git gud"

Justin Lee LeClair

Make friends and play with them often. Synergy is a huge part of being able to climb if you aren't a solo queue god, and not many people are.

The longer you play with a group of people the better yall know how each other play.

If you're a tank you'll learn to synergize with your other tank(s) and know when to fall back and let them take a beating. You'll also synergize with your healers and know when to stop being a tank and become a wrecking crew. And then you synergize with your DPS for team kill ult combos(Mostly for Rein, Zarya and Orisa)

Kristýna Aydinová

Gamesense can get you to at least diamond.
- knowing who to focus, who is a threat? Call it out.
- knowing when to Counterpick
- knowing when they have ult and positioning safely, call it out if you think someone has ult
- knowing when to use ult, don't hold on to it for too long and don't ult when the fight is already over
- build your ult fast, if you're having 1 ult in 5 MIN you need to do something about it
- knowing the strengths and weaknesses of your heroes and the enemy's aswell
- calling out low health targets
- keeping an eye out for your teammates and their ultimates to synergize
- don't overextend for no reason, especially if they're closer to their spawn than you are
- don't feed enemies with useless damage/tanking while they are charging their ults from it
- look at your team. What do they need? A shield? Go for rein/orisa instead of dva. Or more damage? Pick Moira or a DPS that has heavy damage, or dva/zarya as offtank. Or more healing? Pick ana or mercy as main heal combined with a lucio/zen/Moira
- learn how to deal with the chokes and give your teammates the courage to do the same
- don't just flex into random stuff you're mediocre in. Play something you're good at in each role. Even it's just 1 hero per role.
- if in doubt that you can kill someone, pull something off or anything like that, don't do it. Do that in QuickPlay to test your own skill against an enemy.

Anthony Marino

When you shoot at someone DONT CHANGE TARGETS!!!

Sandro Sandmeyer

If you want we can go over some basics together, shouldnt be too complicated

Dani Sheridan

Honestly -
-Silver - lack of team composition, game sense, teamwork
-Gold- Lack of teamwork, game sense and awareness.

For example, I'm climbing my way out of gold right now on PC (was higher on PS4 but had a bad few matches admittedly because I rushed in instead of mastering PC controls vs controller.)

Match 1- Lack of awareness. Junk and Soldier on Kings row were using the ledges and picking people off. I was on tank keeping the front line held. Theyd shoot until they retreted and then get back to what they were doing. Soldier would just heal himself and junk and rsume the massacre. That resulted in me having to break off as tank and take care of them and that's when we lost the front line and 3 people. (This was after junk and 76 wiped our support and dps like 3 times and regrouping for another push 3 times and I kept telling them they NEED to make sure they're dead.) Moira also saw the flanks and instead of making callouts she'd try and 1v1 them breaking off. This resulted in a lack of heals and we went down because we didn't have the support. She should have called them out.

Game 2- Team comp and gamesense- a silver player ended up in our group. He was about to hit gold and thought he was top shit. Tried changing compositions and asking people to flex etc etc saying he's a zar god and basically wanted a build around him. People were getting confused and we ended up with 3 support. We lost first push and valuble time. When we corrected ourselves second push he didn't follow our guide and broke off trying to make his own push away from us- because of that our push was scrambled and we were trying to keep a tank alive so we lost that one. Third push we gained another tank because we knew we couldn't rely on him. He was still trying to be team leader and make plays but we'd calmly say "hey, let's try this because mcree has that hallway on lockdown." He wasn't pushing with us so it was as good as having someone drop from your team mid game but still have their mics on giving contradictory info.

Those are the two perfect examples I can give of what NOT to do if you want to win games. Do your job, work as a team, find ways to get people to work WITH you without being toxic and you'll climb.

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