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Switch Hey everyone, I know a lot of people are complaining about the ports coming to the...


Mauricio Sánchez

Hey everyone, I know a lot of people are complaining about the ports coming to the Switch but as a person that used to live in a 3rd world country I’m very happy for that,why? Let me explain, when the ps3,xbox360 and Wiiu came out the price was really high like reeaaallyyy high, around 1200Usd and the minimum wage was 250Usd monthly so for an average person it was really hard to get one, let’s say that you save enough money for the console of your choice (mine was 360 because Halo and Forza) now you have to save money for the games and as you might think they were also really expensive around $180Usd each, so now that I’m living in Canada and Nintendo it’s getting all the good games that I didn’t have the opportunity to play (skyrim,payday,dark souls, Bayoneta) I’m really glad that they are doing it and I really hope to get more ports in the future, so if you are complaining about the ports and you think that You need to buy the game again just think that there’s people around the world that didn’t had the opportunity to play it when it first came out and there’s a new wave of gamers coming to check the good classic and supporting the console and the companies that are porting those games and that it’s going to help bring more new games into the Switch.
(Sorry for the long post and the grammar)

Matthew Hirt

Well said!!

Troy Andre Rodgers

Very well said! As a gamer I welcome ports to the Switch, especially if the games are great to start off. The Switch sold a bunch of units, let’s get some good games on it, even if it’s ports.

Matthew Hirt

Agreed. And if you don't like ports, simple - don't buy them! Don't ruin it for the rest of us!

Daniel Alexander Paulino

I will never understand people's complaints about that. It's as easy as not buying any port or game that you don't want. Porting a game will never be bad for any console. I live in a 3rd world country too and now that I have a job I am able to buy and play the games I want. But I was forced to first buy a Wii U to enjoy the games that are just in Wii U. I have always wanted to play the God of war's games, but I have to play a PS3 and then a PS4 to play them all. Would be much easier if I had everything in just one console. Pleople just think of themselves and that they already played centain game but don't realize that the ports are for people like us that did not have the chance. If you don't like it, don't buy it and that's it.

Jason Richardson

Nothing wrong with ports on consoles and if people don’t want to buy them then don’t but leave us to buy them if we want to

Angela Goodall

People just complain for complaining sake. No one is forcing you to purchase the games so why does it matter that they are available? Makes no sense.

Jody Neal

Some people will complain about anything.

Jeremy M. Peters

Good for you! Glad you are getting to play some great games!

David Salinas

Thank you for a fantastic post! I too have not played most of the older games and welcome as many as they can port over. I have been a gamer since the Atari days but just dropped of from gaming during the ps3/360 era. I missed a lot of great games. Getting them on the Switch is a blessing for me as well.

Kevin Eisenhuth

Ports are definately a good thing. And not only for the sake of options and for the availability of titles you might have missed on previous systems.

But it nicely fills the waiting gaps between Nintendos traditional big title releases. Remember the shockingly bad range of games for the Wii U?

That console had many, many problems but Im glad Nintendo is learning from some of their mistakes

Liam Scott

Dude you summed it up in your first sentence. Those that complain have little to worry about and only have first world problems

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