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Hey did you guys know It's the birthday month of Half-Life, originally released...

  • Thread starter Cooper Jake McKay
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Cooper Jake McKay

Hey did you guys know It's the birthday month of Half-Life, originally released November 19th, 1998! These are screenshots of the beta of Half-Life at e3 1998, I think also there was a media reveal of Half-Life in 1997. I'm glad the final version 6 months later looked so much better! The early beta looks awful, especially Gordon Freeman's model it looks like it's from Quake 1 lol. When Half-Life did come out it looked great for the time. It was one of the first scripted fully 3D games. And being a 3D game of course it had a benchmark! Popular websites like used called 'Smokin. I never found much information on this benchmark but it was used by some popular sites back then. Half-Life's engine GoldSrc is based on Quake 1, with a little bit of Quake 2 code. Compared to a game like Unreal which came out earlier in 1998 it doesn't look as good, but I still think it looked good back then. I originally played the Half-Life Uplink Demo on my friends Gateway Intel Pentium II 450 Mhz, then on my home PC a Compaq AMD K6-2 450 Mhz. Both computers had no video card but the graphics looked good to me as a kid.


Neil Towson

gonna go back and play this again soon.

Tefen Ca

I think how it looked also greatly depended on the hardware you used. ;-)

Taebin Rice

Haha, I literally just finished playing Half-Life yesterday, creepy baby thing at the end is so weird.

Anthony James

1998 will always be the greatest year in gaming ever.

And Half Life is a BIG part of why! :)

Man, I loved that game so much. Honestly, System Shock 2 (Though that comes a year after in 99) and Unreal I preferred a bit more, though!

Megan Sams

Anyone have a copy of this?

Rich Bonzo

Makes me want a headcrap plushy

Joseph Ramirez

I'm grateful for the final version

Sean Christopher Ohman

they (mod community) did a reboot of half-life called Black Mesa, there is a free beta and an inexpensive commercial version on steam
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Edward Burton

What I love about Half Life is what made it most famous of all, the idea that a FPS could have a compelling storyline.

Francis Meunier

i would have liked to play the beta though

Geo Sukarno

My first Half Life was an uplink version too. I got it from CHIP magazine (a franchise computer magazine originate from German). When i got Half Life release version, i always pursued to find an area that appeared on uplink version. After a long time played i just realized that the uplink version has a different area than a release version.
Because back then, what all i know is, the demo and shareware version always use a some part level from the final release version.
But it was a good thing for me. Because valve give an original different story line for Half Life demo version (uplink version).for gamer to play.
I played Half Life on my Pentium MMX 166Mhz with 2 MB S3 Virge and 64 MB EDO RAM, on lower settings.

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