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Final Fantasy 16's Eveleth performs never-before-seen stunts in the history of Scooby Doo

Keith Stawarz

New Member
Final Fantasy 16 contains some of the most epic battles in the long history of the series. The game breaks new ground in a number of areas, including the realization of the series' classic summons. Instead of delivering a single powerful attack, Final Fantasy 16's Eikons face off in climactic, massive battles, each controlled by a Dominant. The main character, Clive Rosfield, is the Dominant of the Ifrit, and in the narrative of Final Fantasy 16, he battles many other Icons (Eikons) and pulls off a stunt previously thought to be impossible for one of them. Players can prepare enough Final Fantasy XVI Gil in the game.

Final Fantasy 16 Spoilers galore

Final Fantasy 16 tells the story of Clive's attempt to free humanity from the influence of the Mother Crystals. These crystals are believed to be the masters of the magical world of Valistia and are thought to grant certain groups unique abilities. One of these groups, the Dominators, had the power to control the icons and could use their elemental abilities at will. Clive's birthright is to be the Dominant of the Icon of Fire, the Phoenix. However, this is embodied in his brother Joshua. After a traumatic event, Clive inherits the mysterious second Icon of Fire, Ifrit, which he uses to accomplish his mission of destroying the Mother Crystal. This mission leads to conflict between Ifrit and every Eikon and Dominant in the game, including the powerful dragon Bahamut.

Bahamut in Final Fantasy 16 uses the most powerful spell in the Final Fantasy universe

Clive's mission to destroy the Crystal Kingdom's Mother Crystal takes him to the Twin Cities, where he must confront the icon of Prince Dion, Final Fantasy's Bahamut. Few creatures in the Final Fantasy series are more powerful than Bahamut, as dragons are usually seen as powerful summons and/or major plot devices. However, Bahamut in Final Fantasy 16 is different because Eikon is able to cast the most powerful spell in Square Enix's history: Zettaflare.

During the battle with Ifrit and Phoenix, Bahamut unleashes Zettaflare. This spell is a variation of Flare, one of the three most powerful spells in Final Fantasy, along with Sacred and Genesis. "Flare is a variation of Flare, one of the three most powerful spells in Final Fantasy, along with Holy and Genesis. However, depending on the strength of the user, the strength of the Flare can increase exponentially, resulting in an attack like Gigaflare, the equivalent of a billion Flares. when casting Zettaflare, Bahamut unleashes an attack equivalent to 10 million Gigaflare. Previously, only three casters have used Zettaflare in all of Square Enix's games: Donald Duck used it in Kingdom Hearts 3 to save a friend from Terranoth, Airi will use it in Bravely Default (2012) and use it to completely annihilate the player, and Bahamut will use it in Final Fantasy 14. Terraflare is enough to "reboot" Final Fantasy 14, allowing people to see the sheer size and power of Zettaflare.

Final Fantasy 16's Evelyte accomplishes the impossible

In a battle with Final Fantasy 16's Bahamut, Ifrit and Phoenix were able to gain the upper hand against Gigaflare and its more powerful iteration, Terraflare. In his desperation, Bahamut sees the Icon absorb the Ether of the Mother Crystal, amplifying its power exponentially, and then prepares to unleash the Zeta Flare. Both Clive and Joshua are visibly shaken by Bahamut's newfound power, as the Zeta Flare is destructive enough to destroy all of Valistia. Joshua and Clive were able to completely resist Zettaflare thanks to their combined power in Ifrit Risen, sparking a Dragon Ball Z-like struggle where Ifrit managed to resist and break through Zettaflare.

The icon rushed towards Zettaflare and then stopped the huge energy explosion with his bare hands. After a huge struggle, Ifrit Risen (Ifrit Risen) summoned all his Eikon powers, and Eikon went one step further and made history again. Ifrit Risen rocketed himself and Zettaflare together towards Bahamut, hitting him with his own attack, defeating him and saving all of Valistia. Ifrit Risen's resistance and use of the Zettaflare marked several series firsts. However, fans who reach the Final Fantasy 16 endgame will find that there is more to uncover about Ifrit Risen and that a more powerful enemy awaits him after the destruction of the Crystal. See
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