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Can Aquaman Talk To Fish? Jason Momoa Explains His Powers In Justice League


Staff member
Minor spoilers for Justice League below

In the new
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movie, Jason Momoa's Aquaman can control water (to a degree), is able to swim really fast, and apparently possesses something approaching super strength.

But can he talk to fish?

This is, of course, a question that the movie itself asks, by way of Ben Affleck's mildly bemused take on Batman. But Aquaman's answer--something vague about "currents"--isn't exactly satisfying. That's why, when given the chance, we asked him ourselves: Does Aquaman talk to fish or not?

"Not yet," Momoa replied.

"It's more complicated than that," Ezra Miller, Justice League's Flash actor, chimed in.

We were hoping for an answer slightly more complex than a Facebook relationship status, so we pressed Momoa for more.

"I think he can hear them and they can hear him," the actor explained. "On a larger level, when he was a kid, he knew he had something special, because he could hear them, and they could hear him."

That may well tie in with some of
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, including ones involving Willem Dafoe's character, Nuidis Vulko, who was cut from the movie entirely. Momoa described some of Aquaman's lost backstory during the interview.

"[Zack Snyder and I] were kind of trying to establish that he was taken down there as a boy, and he was an outcast, he was a half-breed, and he was built up as a young boy, because he was fed all these ideas by Vulko--that he was the rightful king," he said. "And he gets down there, and he's a half breed, he's impure, and I'm just made to feel like I'm this disease. So after that, I was like, 'f*** you, f*** you, I'm on my own.'"

It sounds like we'll learn more about all that in 2018's standalone Aquaman movie.

"We'll see Atlantis in Aquaman," Momoa teased--and it's going to be a big deal, the actor promised.

Justice League is in theaters now. Read GameSpot's
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