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Switch Bought this game over the weekend and gotta day I love it


Taylor Stewart

Bought this game over the weekend and gotta day I love it

Naail Zahid

How is the game?

Reinaldo Elisei

I really like this game too!!!

Reinaldo Elisei

Nights of Azure 2 is an action RPG starring pretty girls in a gothic setting.
The characters are fun and beautifully designed, and the story is interesting.
The main problem some people seem to have had with the game is the two time limits.
The first concerns the number of days you have to finish each chapter, and the second concerns how many minutes you have to complete each day.
At the beginning of the game, they are a little short, but as you level up, both of them get extended. I don't like playing games with time limits very much, but here they didn't bother me at all.
The time limits will keep you moving fast, and the gameplay makes it easy, because the combats are fast and fun.
You won't have a lot of time for grinding on your first playthrough, though.
After you beat the game, you unlock Hard Mode and New Game +, which lifts the first time limit (you'll no longer have a limited number of days per chapter) and that will enable you to get the best ending of the game (there are three endings).
There are some framerate drops here and there (specially in handheld mode), but they are not a big problem. At least the resolution in handheld mode doesn't drop horribly as it does in Xenoblade Chronicles 2, as the graphics look really sharp!
I'll start my second playthrough soon, as I wish to see the best ending.
I recommend this game to everyone who enjoys action RPGs! ^^

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