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PC Anyone here running a 1050 graphics card. Could you let me know how most games perform...


Michael Stitt

Anyone here running a 1050 graphics card. Could you let me know how most games perform with this card? It’ll be paired with 16gb ram and a I5-8400. Building a little project computer on the cheap.

KyriaKos Kinatidis

maybe drop drown to 8gbs of ram and go to a 1050ti or a 1060 3gb ?
i dont know how the prices are at the US but 8gbs of ram is enought for a budget system and you can put another 8gb stick later.
with the gpu you are 'stuck'
but a 1050 should run overwatch fine at medium

Robin Ellis

I have a standard nvidia gtx 1050 and it works completely fine, the only thing i didn't compensate for was a decent processor, but yours will do nicely, i play Overwatch, PUBG, League, and other games like BF1. As a graphics card it works completely fine. Oh and to reply to this comment before me, i can run Overwatch on ultra settings with this graphics card js...

Taylor Diaz

I have a 1050 and an i5 6600K, price to performance is spectacular. Games like overwatch, bf1, pubg, r6 siege, and lots of other AAA titles run at above 60fps on a mixture of high and maximum settings without any overclocking on either end

Michael Stitt

Thanks for the comments guys. And it is a MSI 1050Ti by the way that I was looking at. I’ll look at just slapping a single 8gb stick in. Just trying not to choke it down.

Taylor Diaz

1050ti’s of any brand have about a 5-8% performance boost over a regular 1050. So you should expect around 60-100 frames depending on game and settings

Michael Stitt

I’ll look at the cost of these 1060’s. I spent $2k building my rig but I got a pc just laying around I want to turn into a lil gaming machine on a budget. Gonna be for a friend.

Taylor Diaz

A 1060 3gb is around 220$ I believe Msrp, check Newegg and see if there are any deals going on

Joshua Jarvis

Do a 1060 to give a little cushion. Check out private listings for slightly used ones. If it's being shipped, ask for photos of display working with card listed in properties. Have them take the picture of entire monitor too so you can see the time

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