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anyone else having this issue with their vega cards? if i leave the voltage stock...


Matthew Nymann

anyone else having this issue with their vega cards?

if i leave the voltage stock (1200mv) on stage 6 and 7. but increase the frequency slider to 7% it can only clock up to around 1580mhz. if i drop the voltage down to 1050 on stage 7, it can clock up to 1720, with an average of 1680mhz. you may think thermal limits. but i had the fans and the temp settings maxed out both times. and the card never went above 60C either time. this could be a driver issue causing it to have a temp limit of 60, the under volt being able to let the card clock higher before this temp limit? just like to know if anyone else is getting this issue.

André Ewert

Yes. Everyone has that. Vega is power limited, mostly. Undervolting is the way to go. And anything above 1680 isn't worth the extra heat/power anyway. For benchmarks, maybe. But not 24/7.

Matthew Nymann

that's what im finding odd. i donno if wattman is lying but this is what im getting.
in the super position benchmark i get a solid 1680, but i think im cpu bottlenecked being that im on a 9370. it never goes above 60 and the fan my max setting of 3500 rpm it sometimes ramps up to. . i might have a gold nugget
my hbm is limited to 955 mhz no matter how much i over volt. even at 1.3v but i only need to over volt it to 970mv to get to 955mhz stable.

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