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Anybody ever play so well against an enemy or communicate with them that they added...


Mike Finch

Anybody ever play so well against an enemy or communicate with them that they added you after the match?

Went up against a player three times back to back last night in QP and as the matches progressed, I actually wanted to see them win because thwir team would stomp us in the beginning of the match and then one or two of us would swap to roles to make a decent comp and make a comeback.

But while we were playing, I would specifically make call outs to the player saying things like,
"This is it. This is your moment to shine baby. Get it."

"That was nice dropping the other healer and I"

*match ends*

You have a request from a new friend.

Anybody else have feelsgood.jpg stories?

Adam Wales

Thats how i met one of my teamates her entire team left her so i added her and invited her to join my team

Patrice Nurse

Yup, made a few friends that way, which I don't mind cuz I rather them be on my team lol

Carl Tice

I recently made a new friend by randomly t-bagging the objective instead of protecting it. That was cool.

Lynn Donner

Yep, I have a few friends that I made that way

Jelly Moon

I emoted over the dead body of my enemy and then he wrecked me the entire match after and spam emoted...then invited me to his clan. Lol friendships.

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