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Xbox One Any good servers out there dedicated


Weston Bailey

Any good servers out there dedicated

Tyler Patterson

nope none at all

Johnnie Stoll


Sean McDade

How many of you are tired of servers that are so ridiculously boosted that there isn't much of a challenge...? Or servers where admin abuse runs rampant?

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24/7 PvP on The Island

x3 Taming
-Everything babies had bit of boost.
-No structure collision.
-Unlimited mind wipes.
-Very young server, lots of building room and no dominant tribe!
-Admin logging is on, everyone can see if an admin uses a command.

Stats and exp pretty official. Interested in doing server events if enough members are.

Nathan Isbell

Gt: ark Ragnarok
Fb page: ark server Ragnarok

Justin Ayotte


Ark 247 PVP 365 ::::: Tired of dedicated servers with admins who leave admin codes on and just abuse their power completely. Do you want to play in a server with no admin loggings, a server where it's as close to Offical as it can get minus the trolls. Ark 247 PVP 365 has you covered. The rules are simple because theyres only 2.

1. No destroying beds
We understand collateral damage occurs when raiding, but don't be a troll and destroy someone's bed intentionally. There's nothing worse then respawning on scorched with no bed and trying to make it back to base naked. This rule is not enforced if they're is a war under way, then is the only time u are able to destroy beds in an intentional matter.

2. Raiding minimal damage
When raiding try to do as minimal damage as possible. If a storage box isn't locked then don't break it, it's that simple. Don't be a dick and C4 someone's foundation when you couldve went through the door the wall or the ceiling.

Rates are as Follow

Harvest : x9
Tame : x15
Xp : x4

The only player stats that are boosted is a slight increase in weight for players and tamed dinos. That is to make up for the harvest increase. Other then that player and dino stats will remain the same (possibly just now for dinos).

Also note that the Loot crate quality is maxed out so Supply Obs are very good and the fishing loot is maxed out. Max difficulty is on to ensure 150 dino spawns. We do not do wild dino wipes as that can lead to corrupting the file (which is something I think a lot of people can agree they don't want to happen). This server will not and should not corrupt and I can say on behalf of the server if that ever does happen I will do my best to replace anything that was lost (other then tames and loot, I'm talking bases mainly). Because no one wants to start from scratch.

Also note that the egg interval is turned up. Hatch speed is boosted, mating is boosted, and mature rate is boosted. This server is boosted enough to where U can level at a fast rate and build up fast so u can focus on why you came here in the first place, PVP!

The only way you will receive the ban hammer in here is if me or my guy sees any racism or bullying on chat. We don't condone it at all and you'll get an immediate ban with no warning.

other then that pvp to your hearts content. Will more then likely work on a community center in the future. No events at this time but it's a possibility. Any questions feel free to leave a post here on the page.

Owner/Admin: Zakk McGehrin
Admin Assistant: Jim Morris

Craig Okines

UKARKSERVER247T 5x most stats no admins

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