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PC Any advice to rank up? I have good accuracy and im flex,i can play dps like tracer and...


Stefano Bellio

Any advice to rank up? I have good accuracy and im flex,i can play dps like tracer and soldier and mcree,i can play Zarya and dva as tank and i can play ana as healer,always gold medal but i cant reach diamond,im stuck in low plat/high gold. I think im really good tbh but i cant actually carry the game when the teams wont collaborate! I have to improve my aim again? Maybe i have to put my sensivity lower?(i play at 1600 dpi 5 in game)
Maybe i have to play with someone in team?(i prefer to reach diamond alone,personal dream)
What do u think?

Evan Landry

I feel like everyone can and should strive to improve their aim always. That generic advice is all I got because you’re higher than me haha

David Gibson

400 dpi. 8.5, twitchies. 6,66 50 zoom sens ana, widow hanzo

Nick de Bruyker

Your sensitivity is actually really high, hard to believe you are consistent with that

Dan Hill

Yea man that DPI is way high. Lower it and it gives you more room for adjusting in game sens.

Parker Atkins

3.5 on 1600 is about as high as normally controllable with aim sensitive heroes

John O'Hara

bananas#11432 is one of my bnets. ive been messin around on my account, but we can play n shoot for diamond

Rock Underscore

that high sens is hard to use,i personally use 1600 4 but im used to high sens for 5 years now.But remember,the only 2 ways to improve aim is to change your sensitivity to one which you like more and to just play the game.Stop focusing on accuracy,focus on gamesense,positioning,decision making,ult usage.I reached high diamond and i personally dont think my aim is very consistent(i only have 150 hrs with my sens) but im still hanging in there.If you cant carry below high plat,it means that you arent "really good".Also if you do intend to use that sens and keep it,it is usable since pros like sinatraa and pine use high sens but you will have to play more to get used to it

Eric Clark

Try goin 800 dpi and like 7 or 8 in game sen. That what I play at and my average weapon accuracy is anywhere from 50 to 60%

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