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Am I the only one who literally never says 'I need healing' in game? I feel like it's...


Brad Cook

Am I the only one who literally never says 'I need healing' in game? I feel like it's obnoxious, so I don't use it, but it's a feature with an obvious purpose. I don't feel like it's really needed most of the time, but if I'm Pharah I know healers aren't always looking straight up to check on me. I will go to them for heals if I need it. That's what a mic is for, anyway, right?

Quan Cheavers

Correct yo

Armando Liendo

I'm a former junkrat main... we DONT do healing.
We stand
We fight
We die

Sarah Rose

Im a support player, pressing the need healing button pings us and let's us know where you are

Will Narramore

I use it v e r y rarely, but as a tank player when I use it I mean URGENTLY. When I'm a high-charge Zarya with Graviton up, taking fire with a few seconds left on my personal bubble cooldown and my shields are gone, then I'll use the button. When I'm a Rein with Earthshatter and I'm at half health preparing to Shatter but I can't risk putting the shield down right now, then I call for healing.
When I need healing, I NEED HEALING. But that's not very much.

Matt Deverian

If the healer knows what they are doing I don't use it. If im low health and they don't notice me I'll use it once and they usually heal me. Otherwise yeah if they don't listen to it it's just annoying the rest of the team

John Flanagan

Millions of people play this game but yes I'm sure you're the only one who doesn't use the i need healing button. Good for you

Brandon Marleau

As a support main it is appreciated but only in moderation. A good healer won't get pissy with you if you ask for it when they can't see you or aren't paying attention to you. But spamming it is the quickest way to be on my shit list. Although being on my shit list means nothing lol. I'm still gonna heal you because I'm not a petty bitch and I want to win.

Reina Mendoza

I’m a main and I only use it when I can’t boost away and I’m about to be knocked out of mech

Christopher Forden

Lot's of people don't, there's nothing special about it.

John Huk

I hit it constantly. It puts a giant marker over your head, so healers can find you easier

Mandy McDonald

Honestly as long as you have some game awareness and aren’t spamming it at full health or while super far from the team fight (or while your only healer is dead lol) I would use it. I like when people do it makes my job easier which is turn makes our team better. Even if you are pharah, snipers, flankers, use it, we might not always be able to get to you but I atleast will try, that being said the farther you are from your healer the earlier you need to hit that button.

Karliah Mae Black-Briar

I main Zen and I dont mind if people use the I need healing option but I stay back its where I'm best effective so I'm not gonna run in and orb you half way across the map you gotta get close to me. Its also useful when there is a lot going on because it shows up above you that you need me to orb you.

Curtis James Littlechild

Winston needs to not be able to damage people through Mei walls, when he jumps.

Matthew Edward Johnson

As a pretty regular healer, I say please use it. It really helps sometimes if you aren’t in direct line of sight

That being said don’t spam it when you’re missing like 10hp and I just got done healing you and I’m trying to get our tank(s) back to full health, that’s obnoxious

Jonathan Fruit

I feel bad Accidently hitting it at full health and the healer comes and heals me lol

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Rytis Palionis

You should. Supports see exactly where you are and which teammate needs that urgent heal. They will heal you faster and on spot, which means you dont need to disposition yourself and you get back to the fight faster which means you will do more to benefit your team. Especially if you are playing pharah, i would advise you to use it.

Somer Francis

I main mercy/pharah
But when I use mercy I actually want people to tell me they need healing because it's so much easier. Or I'll tell them to group up with me and I'll heal them out of fire.

Mary Gimenez

Because support players behind the screen can't literally see where you're standing in-game all the time. Only supports that stand on the backline most of the time, with a nice view of the whole team, are zen and ana.

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