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Xbox One ALERT- keep an eye out for the gamer tag zeroalpaca77791, it is the host of a pve...


Sean Mazak

ALERT- keep an eye out for the gamer tag zeroalpaca77791, it is the host of a pve server soon to go pvp. My tribe mate was trolled and dropped. He lost his gear and our 270 ptera. I tried contacting the admins to no avail even though they were online. I was ignored. My tribemate got a hold of an admin and gave our story. The admin- (felt creature54) openly said to us that she didn't care and she wasn't going to do anything. If you come across this server do not join it.

John Swisher III

Um why must an admin give things?

Jason Okubo

Everybody loses their crap and their tames!
People act like they are so picked on because the game ain't easy.

Cory Huddleston

Literally getting tired of this crap. I had a guy fly his griffin into lava and then ask me for another one. His reason to fly into lava? "To see if he could fly out of it" nope sorry I'm admin not a free this free that person

GtYoung Bluntski

He was talking about being trolled on a pve server lol he didn't say anything about wanting something! He tried getting a hold of admins to let them know his team mate got trolled and they said they don't care

Jason Okubo

My bad for misinterpreting post.
His bad for having to describe what was lost.

I bet we only got some of the story.

Joseph Previte

Same thing happened to me, same server. Guy kept trying to sneak in our base. I was taming a griffin, got picked up by a ptera and dropped from high up, stuff taken, was taming a 140 Rex, in the walls of my base and another guy swooped in and killed it on his griffin. Admins could care less, shouldn't say it's pve to start if there are gonna be trolls everywhere. I had video of the guy dropping me from high up.

Valen Tomblin

Dude I Play Zeroalpaca Its A Good Server

Corey Saturday


Cory Huddleston

You all complain about admins but I bet you haven't played official servers haha

Joseph Previte

I have no problem with the server being pvp, but if the admins say it's a week of pve for people to get set up then that's what it should be, not trollfest. If they don't care what happens then they should just say that going in. The admins helped some other guy out that sounded like one of their friends with a similar issue. I asked politely and wasn't a dick when I told them about the guy trolling my base. (Had proof as well) My issue is don't say, if you have a problem let an admin know. Just say, no rules anything goes. My butts not hurt either way. The best thing about the game is you can play anyway you want to. A bunch of people sticking each other with spears on a beach, or a server where you can get your base ready before you start pvp. I was hoping it was the second one.

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