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Xbox One Admin 1981 how to find a solid tribe member simple steps here they are. The biggest...


Robert Larocco

Admin 1981 how to find a solid tribe member simple steps here they are.
The biggest thing you do is ask questions

1. How many servers do you play on?
2. Why did you leave your last server?
3. Why did you leave your last tribe?
4. How old are you?
5. Are you male or female?( this question here really don't matter) but if they're female some males act differently around females and not participate in the tribe.
6. What hours of the day do you play?
7. Are you ban from any other server? If so why
8. Who is your last tribe leader what's his gamertag?
9. Server you were banned from what was the owners gamertag? If you were ban
10. Screening a personality you can tell about someone's personality over Xbox Live how they are this is up to the person giving the interview.

Remember guys and gals there are trolls out there and they will do everything in their power to wreck your tribe from the inside out I'm player dedicated or on official they exist.

And I would like to say once again there's nothing wrong with playing with women on Ark survival evolved but when starting males get around women they act like they're a piece of meat in the women or not their female gamers they're here to stay we might as well get used to it.

Amanda Park

It's crap server 3 kicked me because someone in my tribe stole admins guns dicking about with trackers at a game Avents what she clearly knows had nothing to do with me all that hard work for nothing I'm female by the way

Levi Peacock

Asking about being banned will do no good since they will just lie about it any way.

Amanda Park

Yep I have new server starting soon will be so ace

Brian Showneck

I got banned from a server cause i built to close to Admin

Patrick Capone Massé

I have alots of girl on my server and everybody act normal mature is the key

Jacob Lee Brown

I've been banned from about 6 servers. Doesn't change that I'm a good tribemate that is honest. Just means that the server owners had their own idea of what ''pvp'' is and would alter that perception as needed to rule my tribe out.

Waldon Smith

More lies you get them to tell the easier to catch

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