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You belong in the rank you're in if you're below diamond and proceed to do one of the...


Brandon Reid

You belong in the rank you're in if you're below diamond and proceed to do one of the following:

You couldn't hear a flanking Roadhog even if he wore squeaking clown shoes

You healing iQ is basically a cut and paste of a blanket advice you took from some "Your overwatch" guide

You can't land a headshot frequently unless on accident

You can't win without duo que or more

Lack of game mechanics and sense

You blame everything that has a pulse besides yourself/you get mad easily

You automatically blame Dps if you don't win a fight

You suffer from MGSS (Metal Gear Solid Syndrome: you're reaction/game sense would be that of an enemy bot in MGS, unless they hear a loud noise they'll only attack what's in their current LoS, once the target left the LoS they either run off alone or give up and forget about them)

Arun Kumar

Hmm I can't relate and I am gold xD

Alaa Yassine

so you're diamond?

Leonardo Varela

"You automatically blame DPS if you don't win a fight".

And what about the HUGE AMOUNT of low rank players that always blame supports for their lack of game sense and teamwork?

Riley Talbot

I mean, I'm a Lucio main and climbing solo is pretty hard, that and I have fun playing with my friends

Loo Sarango


Cassie Alaina

I hate people who use acronyms and then proceed to explain them in parentheses without being asked.

If you're using an acronym knowing no one will understand it, dont use it.

Fábio Silva

so what´s your ranking again? gold? :)

Wilma Englöf

You're actually spot on. And everyone who gets offended. He must've hit a sore nerve because he didnt accuse anyone. He said "IF you do one of the following, you'll need to work on it" Stop getting so offended oh god

Juan Perez

Solid facts

Walter Greenwood

People blame the dps up till gm

Jamie Riddick

"you couldn't hear a flanking roadhog even if he wore squeaking clown shoes"

Vynyl Shiro

Kinda hard to hear that Roadhog if everyone in VC is yelling in your ears

I don't fuck with Your Overwatch so I don't know what this point is saying.

I'm on console so landing headshots is a shock to me almost every time. Especially since I'm a Reaper main.

I hate duo-four stacking. 5, 6 or solo or bust for me.

Agreed. Game sense, awareness and positioning is the key of gittin' gud.

If anything I blame myself more on anything other than questionable kills, like D.Va's bomb when I'm well behind cover.

I mean if the DPS aren't killing anything and are just diving in just to get killed...who do I blame then?

I play Reaper, Tracer and Zen so I gotta keep my eyes and ears open every direction, so yeah I don't deal with this.

William Bongos

Tbh i think if ur lower than master , you deserve your rank if your hardstuck into it , because games below master/high master are easly carryable

Diamond Hope Zeiger

I’m master and I do all of this

Yuna Kpnr

So Im mid diamond while I started my First Season (which was 3) in silver. I went through so much shit climbing and I met so much different people in those low elos. In some points, you're right. But dont think you BELONG to this rank just because youve been there for long. I was support Main and didnt Play anything else in competitive (no, not Mercy. Ive always hated her) and I thought this was just the right role for me.. which wasnt. Some day I started to Play heroes in ranked, I only played in QuickPlay. Now Im a pretty balanced Flex player with most hours on Tracer/Widow and Reinhardt.

Juan Nunez

So it’s cool if our soldier is unable to kill the pharah?

Mary Gimenez

sr:3001, 500 games this season, barely above 50% win rate dudebros:
"Uh... you belong to the rank you're if u diamond and below and here's why... I'm low masters btw"

I wish there were people that tried to start a good discussion on how to climb in a team-based game for people that are bad but want to improve and I'm sure a lot of gold players would jump for some help and advice, but hollow/baitposting sure as hell won't help anyone lol.

Anyways my two cents: I think people in higher ranks don't know that lower ranks have a very different meta THUS high rank meta coaching won't really apply to low-rank meta players, you can advice a silver on how to git gud as Gengo but you can't really advice them on how to dive/flank when their meta is about short-ranged heroes and most people there lack the mechanical skill to dive/flank or use long-ranged heroes. The best way for a low rank to climb is to improve their mechanical skill + master the heroes that are predominant in their meta and, as they're climbing, learn about high ranked meta/heroes so when they make out of "elo hell", they'll be prepared for it.

Kyle Bizier

I am a tank so if we don’t win then I did something wrong

Sawyer Sprague

You deserve your rank no matter where you are

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