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Yesterday I played in my daughters account (bronze) just to see what it was like (I am...


Luis Miguel Roman

Yesterday I played in my daughters account (bronze) just to see what it was like (I am a gold)... i know now understand why she rages... it is worst than gold... ppl leaving the point... fights happening everywhere but near the objective... Mercys not healing, DPS Moiras... they really love Hanzo and Genji I must say... and the best one: Torb is a god in this level... ppl just can’t kill a turret... i am not saying everyone sucks because u can tell who actually has game sense but still... she played in my account and she said that in gold at least you get a tank and a healer and it semms we are more commited to the objective of the map... she cant wait to get out of that elo... i play with her often and she loves it because she flexes and switches according to the ocasion... should I do my placements matches with her?....

Jacob Sproat

if you're gold, and she's bronze, your average ranking will but you in silver. You should be able to beat silvers and if she has the good game sense you say she has, she should also be able to beat silvers. Try it anyway and see how it goes :)

Revan Renaldi

I smurfed in bronze once. It was full of smurfs

Jiren Brown

I'm level 19 qp and I literally have to tell my teammates where and how to attack..(pharrah main).. I think my progress is moving along great..I have to tell these guys to get to the objective and set up lol

Hayley Shaw

I think gold is worse than bronze. In Bronze people will atleast attempt some kind of teamwork to try and get out. Gold is full of people who think they can solo carry the team out single handedly lol

Mathieu Berger-Latour

Honestly speaking, Bronze must be rough to get out of, considering you’re playing smurfs 70% of the time. It isn’t as bad since they’re usually throwing, but once you hit <700, it’s literally all smurfs lmao

Mohammed Mortaga

True. Couldn't get out of bronze until I started queuing with a whole 6 stack of people who understand what 2-2-2 means.

Sabastian Barajas

When it comes to low tiers, her best bet is to main dps or off-tank to carry the team. I was stuck in silver because i mained tank and support. I started playing more offensive roles and i carried myself to highplat/diamond

Daniel Haigh

Except i see more trolls in gold than bronze plus bronze you can 1v6

Yeti Jones

tanked an account to sub 1000, Torb is absolutely unstoppable down there

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