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XQc says he is a "walking Twitch chat" and that he could've "changed" if someone had...


Candace Levi

XQc says he is a "walking Twitch chat" and that he could've "changed" if someone had pointed out his errors. I almost feel bad for the kid. Almost.

Joana Travassos

I'm a little bit out of the latest drama with him. What happend?

Matt Bubp

It's true, his Twitch chat is an absolutely terrible cesspool. I really think he can change, he's not a bad person at his core, but apparently being on the fuel wasn't enough to straighten him out at the moment.

Syed Muhammad Danish Bukhari

How much more needed to be pointed out? He was fined multiple times, warned even more. He's no kid. I've seen teenagers more responsible than him. If he's too dumb to understand the massive opportunity he had, then he deserves to have it taken away.

Trevor Folz

Nah, owl is full of a bunch of snow flakes that take things to far. xQc wasn't meant for the league but the admins are eating themselves alive. No one is going to want to go "professional" if you can't even spam a regularly used emote in chat. I'm glad he's done, getting paid the rest of his contact, and now back to streaming regularly so I can watch my boy.

Mackenzie Thubron

I couldn’t even keep count of the amount of people spamming that “racist” emote on his twitch chat. People act as if they’re never toxic towards others on Overwatch, which I know a lot of people on this group are. The league goes a little too far, and if you haven’t realized they’re basically picking on him when there’s other people in the league who have done some toxic things too, but don’t get banned.

Dru Suarez

OWL is corny as fuck they wanted to be so different like a regular sports season and now you can't even use an emote without the league jumping on your ass lmao what a joke I'm glad xQc went back to full time streaming I'm not gonna play a game professionally if I can't have fun because of it that defeats the purpose of playing a game

Walter Greenwood

He’ll be the next dafran, become reformed and join the OWL again

Lou Cafiero

Remember when racial slurs were universally recognized and not created by others interpretations?

Pepperidge Faaaahm Does.

Jesus, what does try hard 7 even mean in any context?

Dhanj Narasimhan

Well he was warned and fined plenty of times, but TriHard 7 isn't even racist and it's a pretty dumb reason to penalize somebody

His stream is gonna get even bigger though lmao

Gem Bowie

Tbh, people need to leave him be to get his shit together so he can sort himself out. Not a fan though. He acts like a petulant child

Natalie Lopez

“How come no one held my hand and wiped my ass”

Aubrey Wilson

I like how the people making fun of him act like they're perfect and have never fucked up. if you've every fucked up in life and made a big oof, instead of making fun of him, either leave it be or be positive about the matter in some fashion

Iain Johnston

he could've "changed" if someone had pointed out his errors

I think it was Monte that said he organised to meet xQc for lunch to help him out. xQc never turned up.

Kelli Flynn

Trihard 7? oh my god, alert the authorities. My feelings are hurt!

Andy Scruggs

My only problem is that those in the know say (the emote isn’t inherently racist) and don’t want it removed. If Blizzard is going to start policing OWL with abstracts where it determines intent then the rules are essentially whatever they feel like that day. Either get rid of the emote or ignore it anything outside of that is inconsistent

Nycholas Young

Tyler1 nuf said. This could be the best thing that ever happened to him. Twitch loves toxic underdogs

Dorian Arcia

He didn’t need to be told. Are you serious? He was fined $6000 dollars and banned from matches! Don’t you think that’s more of a wake up call than someone telling you to stop?

Brandon Ko

He is cute that’s all that mattets

Matt Rose

Seriously like what the fuck did they think was gonna happen when they hire a bunch of fucking kids to young adults who have probably never held a real job, in the real world. So they literally grow up in the fucking toxic world of online gaming and they expect them to be professional? Yeah ok cut the bullshit

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