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Why do you guys get your ultimate in like 15 seconds and never use it? Oh lemme...


Tung Nguyen

Why do you guys get your ultimate in like 15 seconds and never use it? Oh lemme guess, you must be saving it for...

Geoffrey Craigie

Please add Electric Boogaloo to that option

Geoffrey Craigie

Also, for some ults (Mei, Zen, etc.. even more useable ones like Hanzo) you have to find the right spots to ult or you basically waste it... if your team isn't grouped up, and you ult Zennyboi, you literally healed maybe one person

Sammy Bourgeois

Because while an ultimate getting 1 kill is better than getting no kills, the function of an ultimate is to drastically change the pace of a fight. If I can make a fight 6v3, I'm not gonna blow my load on using it early to make the fight 6v5, if one of the 2 survivors on their team has an ult to make it 5v5 thereafter. Graviton surge isn't for one person kills, it takes too long to charge.

Tracer maybe, aight, her ult charges fast enough to blow on solo kills. Similarly though, if we're defending I'm probably not going to use Valk just to get off a single instant rez. Especially if you're a relatively expendable dps, and not a point-holder like tanks or sustaining heals. I'm sorry but that's how it is, ults are too important to blow when there isn't a proper team fight in place or the enemy isn't positioned in a way to be deeply affected by it.

Adam Ricks

Some ults are good to save as they are better for countering or combos than anything else(Lucio, zen, Zarya, etc.) But others are much better used for the initial push/one or two guaranteed picks/or just to stall on the point(mei, mccree, just about any other dps, or even mercy's ult is very good for pushing and should be used semi often as a good mercy will charge it pretty fast)

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