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who was the most toxic player you have dealt with I was told I was a hit scan who...


Guy Guerine

who was the most toxic player you have dealt with
I was told I was a hit scan who couldn't aim in my first comp game

Calum Stewart

This guy in diamond, even before the game started he was wishing peoples family would die, get murdered etc.

Calum Stewart


Ann Ime

I was in a plat comp ctf match and was the only person defending our flag, I asked someone to group with me and a guy told me to shut my dumb whore mouth and kill myself

Kai Turner

Probably me.
When someone is doing badly, I'll tell them something like "switch off of that hero, this feels like 5v6 right now man"

Justin Becker

Just had a game last night where a guy said "Give me Genji, or I'm throwing." we didn't give him Genji and he just picked Torb and fed and the whole game. I think he was gonna throw anyway, his career profile looked like he was deranking.

Ryan Kersey

On Kings Row my team got wiped three times by an enemy Zarya/Pharah who would combo ult every time Zarya's was up. I asked our Soldier after the third time to try and focus Pharah and pay attention to where she was on the map. He immediately switched on his Mic which he hadn't used up till this point, and raged at me (Mercy) and my buddy (Reinhardt) claiming that we need to be focusing Pharah as well and he can't do all the work... because the melee tank and the healer can do so much more to stop an airborne Pharah than a soldier. Alright.

David Goulet

Welcome to overwatch

Jordan Lineberry

When I played rainbow six siege, I had an entire team message me saying I had an aimbot, (I don’t even know how people get those on consoles) their language and insults were quite rude.

Graham Scholes

I was told never to be mei again. But how do you take that from a person who him and his mate did rubbish on your team on a 3v3

Jane Caldwell

I don't play comp but you hear some crazy toxic shit in all other game modes. Had a friend I play with a lot invite someone new...

This kid was ranting about proper team comp. In Total Mayhem...

While yes I want to win any game I play in, I usually care only enough to get those loot boxes. So picked my main which is a Junkrat. Just wanted to dick around that time and have fun.

This kid is bitching at me about it, complaining we don't need one, it isn't proper comp ( we were on attack), and talking shit with a friend he invited to this game.

Talked shit all game. We were getting to the first checkpoint and I was making call outs for us. Called out the D.Va out of mech and whatnot. Kid told me he knows I don't have to tell him everything happening in the game, its annoying...yet dont people make call outs in comp or other modes? Least to let teammates know whats going on?

Proceeded to be a bitch all game playing Genji and talking about how he was on his smurf account etc. And wasn't doing much

I ended up on the board and he didnt and I left after that cause he was whining more.

Luis Miguel Roman

I haven’t received any hate msg ever... what i have received is “i am reporting u hacker!”... i play on PSN....

Sourav Chowdhury

I m the toxic player.

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