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What is up with the influx of toxicity within the last week? I'm on xbox btw I played...


Dustin Turner

What is up with the influx of toxicity within the last week? I'm on xbox btw

I played season 5 maybe the last week of it and I would say 6 was my first real season and I was plat.

I main hog and within the last week I've been messaged 4-5 times saying I cost the game and to never play roadhog again? I always queue up with 2 other friends and we always go to team chat yet every time these people who message me aren't in the chat and instalock DPS and I always get gold or silver elims damage and objective time, it isn't like I throw or I'm completely bad but these people are so tilted and never want to accept the fact the other teams were just way more coordinated

on top of it too I've had to play support every other round because people just gave up and we have a terrible team comp every time

Brennan Pym-Danvers

So I played on PS4 from Launch to the beginning of Season 6 then switched over to Xbox.
I started my placement matches last night, and had somebody try throwing a match because they didn't like my name, and they didn't like that I was playing Orisa. They literally just sat there the whole match having a fit and then left like halfway through.

Trey Baird

It's just bc immature children can't differentiate between a game and real life and need to a get a grip...

Vynyl Shiro

I had to make a new account because I dropped to low gold and every time I reach 2200, I'd just get throwers and leavers and just stay in 2100. I just had to give up. I also play on Xbox, but I literally cannot win a game there unless I'm tri-queuing with these two Master smurfs I know. But on Xbox I was high platinum..

Eric Parish

On PC I had a guy treat my friend and I like garbage because we were in a two stack despite being in team chat. He locked in Doomfist despite us having DPS covered so I went to play Mercy and he just insults me all game when he jumps into 1v6 battles and insta-dies and tells me I should just quit OW for not being 'a good healer'. It was even worse when I died to a flanker or something.

Nevermind the fact I was focused on keeping my team alive, the ones who actually stayed on point and together.

Dustin Turner

Have some of my salt filled interactions

Dustin Turner


Dustin Turner


Dustin Turner

we won but he still trash talked because he went in the middle of fights alone and I wouldn't heal him.

Vynyl Shiro

All that just remind me of this one game where I was playing Zen and this random was playing Mercy, and I had gold healing the whole game, my friend that I was duoing with had to switch to Lucio and me and the Lucio ended up gold and silver elims, damage and healing...I didn't understand.

Nico Barrios

I actually don’t mind this season. Quick play seems more annoying tbh. Like I know it’s not important, but I usually play qp to train or before I go into comp to warm up. Everybody just wants to goof off now though. Which I’m not totally salty about, it just makes it harder to get better.

Lawrence Booker

Comp is trash. The Overwatch community is being taken over by trolls.

Lawrence Booker

Only reason I still play Overwatch at all is for skins during events. Ready for Mario Odyssey to release. A game I can play and relax instead of having to worry about little trolls online.

Lawrence Booker

Probably just a bunch of Rick & Morty fanboys that's too edgy to care about winning and messes it for people who really wants to play to win.

Lawrence Booker

(And I love Rick & Morty btw but the majority of it's fanbase is ehhh lol)

Christopher Hawkins

It’s due to it being the end and lots of sr loss

Harley Hong

It's 100% blizzards fault. They let trolls run wild. Now I just troll the trolls. They get mad but what can they do?

David Anderson

"I'm on xbox btw" there is your problem.

Emma Mitchener

I play on Xbox and I'm a mercy main and i was just starting my placements and I died like 2 times and everyone got so mad at me and I was called "trash" n shit like I had gold for objective time and for healing like tf. XD

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