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What are your favorite CPU(s) of all time? (Mine is the AMD Athlon 64 and Intel...


Cooper Jake McKay

What are your favorite CPU(s) of all time? (Mine is the AMD Athlon 64 and Intel Pentium III. )

Brandon Kinsman

I've never played with a 486 but longed to own one someday

Lee Fu Haw

Oh, Quite hard to choose. Pentium D is the longest CPU i used and it work quite well but it cost so much in electric bill, noisy and toasty. I do like old games so i choose Pentium MMX which is suitable for DOS and early window classic games that cannot be run properly modern PC such as POD the racing game, Hexen II, and certain Chinese RPG games (Softstar 【大宇】,Taiwan) i love back then.

Svefn Lim

i love slot 1 Pentium IIs or III. but never actually used one i think. can't remember what was in my old childhood PC.

Patrick Thomas

Motorolla 68060, 6809 (or Hitachi equivalent).
Not a single x86 cpu makes it anywhere near my list of favorites.
Not sure how many people realize it, but x86 is actually pretty crap.
Anyone who has done any asm programming for multiple arches will say the same. Horrible ISA, still crippled by its legacy, (way, way) too few gprs. Even when with the 64bit extensions it's still less than decent ISAs had back in the 90's.
The fact that it's been pushed as far as it is is quite impressive, but they do influence our experiences and are part of the reason (along with Windows) that no matter how fast they go, they *will* lock up here and there. Being soley little endian is a pain too (stupid byte ordering, albiet common). With more gprs and a big endian mode (even bi-endian) emulation could be sped up 2x, *easily*. It's also allow for direct memory reading/writing to the emulated hardware if the byte ordering is the same, which in turn means a lot of emulated software will be competitive to native speeds (same byte ordering means you can mix arches,.... 6502 instructions responding to x86 native libraries for example).

Just my 2 cents, but based on technical details rather than simple nostalgia or "feel".

Cooper Jake McKay

Pentium III because a Pentium III 500 MHz and Voodoo3 was what my friend had and we played Quake III and Dungeon Keeper 2, and Diablo 2 and Homeworld and some other games, later I built my first PC with a Pentium III 800 MHz. And I really like the AMD Athlon 64 because when it came out it was a huge leap forward for AMD and they performed really well in games, I also had my first job at the time so I built an Athlon 64 3000, 3200, and 4000 desktop PCs.

Juliano Reis

lol Celeron

Eli van der Geest

pentium 100mhz overclocked to 133mhz ftw

Ry Hardy

My old 386dx33 and my Pentium 90mhz on Overclocked to 100mhz cause thats the highest the board would support!

Jaakko Huovinen

Oc celeron & k6-3+

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