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PC Turning off all chat function has made this game so much more fun, and I’m performing...

  • Thread starter Pericles Underhill
  • Start date

Pericles Underhill

Turning off all chat function has made this game so much more fun, and I’m performing better than I ever have in game.
I’ve won 3 placement games so far and they were all incredibly fun.

EDIT: This is me just doing solo-queue BTW

James Long

I really don't want this to become a trend

Evan Landry

Did the same thing when I was trying to get out of bronze and it was the best decision I made. I didn’t turn it back on until gold, which isn’t much better sadly. It’s amazing how much better the game can be when you’re not listening to people bitch at eachother before the match even starts.

Mohamed L'eau

i guess if you are in low ranks like bronze siver gold, i can turn off chat because most of the time its a bunch of silly kids on the chat , but higher ranks? communication is key bro

Clinton Kenn

So you are handicapping yourself by zero communication.

Will Shriver

No i agree with the op. If youre gonna solo q, and your plat or below. Turn off chat. Coms are trash anyway. And team comp doesnt even matter. 2 different t500's and a t10 told me to turn off chat, pick three heroes, and never play anything else. Face it, Comp below diamond does not facilitate flexing. It rewards getting skilled enough to HARD carry.

Sam Kim

I did two placements yesterday, one nobody talked and I got 3 golds as zen and we won quickly, other one people were talking and we basically ate shit

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