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To all the Dallas fans here, do you think maybe they should bench effect and Mickie...


Brandon Larren

To all the Dallas fans here, do you think maybe they should bench effect and Mickie and put in Seagull and put Taimou on DPS (McCree) with Rascal on Genji and xQc on Winston diving? The supports also need to stay alive more and most of all, fire that piece of shit coach?

Vynyl Shiro

Low key I think Effect throws. He's been really inconsistent.

Brandii McLeod

I would run effect over Seagull imo. Seagull was recruited for the more niche heroes that Dallas didn't have (like Pharah and Junkrat). Akm is a god hitscan player so he's probably better for that mccree than Taimou these days. Taimou has become more and more of a dps/tank flex and he's doing great at adapting to the tank role

Chris Gouw

no not Seagull, Taimou as main tank with Effect and Rascal a DPS, Harryhook main support and buy one other, Custa can be back-up support. i think Chips is past it.

Kaxem Mohamed

Dude effect is godly

Jaylyn Ellis

They need to bench taimou. Him on winston is awful. I dont understand why they even put him on winston when they have xqc.
The mistakes they're making is allowing the team to believe they're "flex players" when they're not. The only GOOD flex player on that team is seagull.

Mathieu Berger-Latour

Effect is the only “World Class” player on Dallas tho. I mean, Rascal and AkM are up there too, but compared to Seagull whose pretty washed up?

Dorian Arcia

xQc might quit the team.

Adam Bahadur

Bench effect lmao...Thats not an option. Hes a god. Seagull is shite and micky is overrated.

Brett Thielemier

Effect is their best player and Mickie is their most consistent player. Taimou is their most inconsistent player and Seagull is just a worse Rascal. I agree that their coaches are by far their biggest problem.

They really need to practice dive with Rascal on Genji. They don't need to rely heavily on it like some other teams, but they desperately need it in their arsenal against teams like the Shock. They lost to them because they couldn't dive on Babybay, and when Taimou switched to Winston and they coordinated dives on Babybay was when they were winning.

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