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Thoughts on The Witcher 3 GOTY? I know it's the game of the year and it's really...


Kylie Matias

Thoughts on The Witcher 3 GOTY?

I know it's the game of the year and it's really great but... how great is it? Probably a dumb af question but I'm serious.

I wanna get it on Steam but I'm hesitating because I want something that I can invest in for quite a while. How's the combat, storyline, playability, etc?

It's about 1/3rd the price of Nier Automata and that game was fckin' amazing. Best game I've played in a very long time.

Robin Waldemarsson

It's my favorite game of all time. TES IV: Oblivion has been my favorite game ever since it came out, but then I played The Witcher 3.
It's INSANELY good. 285 hours on Steam so far and I've only finished the game twice

Constantine Kóúché

Best vfm

Andrew Walker

It's so good I went and bought the witcher 1 and 2 just to know the back story

Luke Marsh

To be honest I bought it and played it for half an hour and haven't touched it since. I come from FPS and RPG's like Skyrim. If you want to learn a whole new combat system go for it. I imagine it would be a very good story and give you hours of gameplay. I just didn't have the patience for the combat system

Tyler Ginn

The Witcher 3 is probably the best game I've ever played. The game is immersive and will keep you busy for hours. The DLC is good enough that they could be their own standalone games. The combat is good, and you will find yourself playing the game many times over since the base game alone has a possible 32 different endings.

Zakir Ahmed

GOTY? what is wither 3 goatee

Raphael Swain

OK I'm played about an hour of nier, and I have finished w3... Visually witcher looks better, and game play its not just a simple slash game, truly rpg and a lot of side shit to do...

Dwayne Westcott

It was GotY...Last year...

Daniel Ledford

I felt empty inside after I beat it.

Joseph Schindler

Literally one of the best games ive played. I wad pretty hesitant of playing it cause I'm not the biggest fan of open world type games. I tend to get overwhelmed by how much there is to do. Its a fantastic game and story,

Lee Yong Quan

great game. But i did some mistakes on the gameplay. I delay my main campaign and played the DLCS. ended up being overpower for Imrelith. Took me 20s+ to kill him in death march and few minutes for the king.

Simon Crowley

Initially the controls can feel a bit clunky but once you get in the flow it's brilliant. I was never overwhelmed in a new city by a million quests and there's a nice variety of monsters/locations. The writing is absolutely top notch as well and characters react depending on how you act (a huge improvement over skyrim). Nier is also a stunning game but they're very different animals.

Amol Jadhav

I am playing it with all dlc. If you have played previous games in series. Both Dlc will actually comes as surpise. DLCs are recommended. Its 3 months now never got bored.

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