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PS4 Those who host dedicated servers on Ps4 I'd like to pick your brain. When ragnarock...


Ethereal Anthony

Those who host dedicated servers on Ps4 I'd like to pick your brain.

When ragnarock arrives I'm confused on how this will work for us after reading the detailed description for official they have released. Please read below and give me your thoughts.

Only thing I want clarity on which I have not found yet is how this affects dedicated. I'm assuming since even though we host our own dedicated server, we still technically are connected to WC services therefore when the downtime occurs we will probably go down as well during that 8 hour window. Which is no big deal since it is an overnight thing that should be done by 8am my time.

We won't have to worry about any deletes because we are privately hosted and not official, but are dedicated servers that existed before this change gonna be considered legacy dedicated servers or are we our own animal. I have not gotten a clear answer from anything yet.

Just thinking on my own,

I think we will be down during this time as well because we won't have access to wild card services. Since it is a full blackout.

Once coming back up, not sure what order we will be in but we should at that point be able to see the new map in addition to the ones we already have.

We should be able to transfer all Dino's and survivors as described in this article from the center to the new ragnarock map. so upload to OB, have everyone do so when the time comes, take down the center. Click on ragnarock, confirm server settings, launch ragnarock. Once loaded which I'll have to create a new survivor, go back to the center map by taking down ragnarock and launching the center again, use the OB on the center to transfer to the new available map.

If it doesn't work that way then I guess we launch ragnarock, go to an OB and pull down our survivor and tames.

From past exp on my non dedicated that last suggestion was the wrong way and caused me to lose stuff in the transfer process.

The correct way I was informed was to use transfer at an OB.

This is the part that has me confused. Maybe I'm overthinking it.

But before we transfer I'm going to use something I don't Care to lose I'll tame, and see what happens.

Richard Patterson

no clear answer we ll both know on aug 30 ..

Richard Patterson

i m not trying or testing the transfer thing load ragnarock // try a lvl 200 petra named rag1 w saddle both are replacable will start a character at lvl 1 / fresh //4 of us can build and level up quick

Richard Patterson

i l keep u posted as what dinos got transfered and how // yes our tribe uses the blue obilisk on centre to scorched earth // from
the island we use the green obi to centre // green obi to scorched

Richard Patterson

petras / tapis / argi have gone map to map

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