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Those people who upgraded from 1080p to 4K would you say it's worth it? I'm planning...


Tyler Gornall

Those people who upgraded from 1080p to 4K would you say it's worth it? I'm planning on getting a 4K monitor soon and was wondering if it's actually worth it. Let's hear your stories

Micky Bottoms

only if you have a solid gpu for it otherwise I'd go 1440p

Durvelle Greene


Micky Bottoms

I have a 1080 and rather play ultra 1440p at 100fps than 4k on high at 50 to 60 fps

Mark Anthony Alcaraz Guerrero

Agree 1440 with 100hz is much better experience and much better scaling. From experience.

Micky Bottoms

some will say 100fps plus is for competitive and its not. GTA v witcher 3 i notice massive difference in how fluid it plays and minimal motion blur.

Thiago Sousa

I think 1440 with 144hz or more is the sweet spot for 1080ti and the next gen cards. Maybe after Volta we will be able to kill everything at 4k with over 100 fps. The hard hitting games just don't get there in ultra with all the goodies on.

Dominic James Sibthorp

Personally I run two Asus ROG PG278QR 's from twin GTX1080's. Resolution is set at 5120x1440@120hz.

So 1440p @ 120hz.

So for my set up, I only need to get my frame rate up as high as 120. Anything beyond that is superfluous as the screen will only show 120. People who aim to get high frame rates beyond the refresh rate of their screen are only doing it for bragging rights.

As for the original question about the definition...well I am in two minds as if it is even worth it, as generally the human eye cannot see beyond 1k, its starting to feel like a selling gimmick by the big companies...but thats my own opinion.

Franek Glowacki

I use 4k and its amazing, however if the cost of 1440p 144hz monitors wasn't still a bit expensive I'd say that would be ideal. Theres a noticable but not significant difference between the two but worth the downgrade (if you can call it that) to get those extra frames I'd say. (locked at 60fps on 4k) hope that helps

James Newman

When they make a game or a movie from the ground up in 4k, then I'll switch. Until then it's pointless. Just a crisper view of 1080p.

Matt Lainson

I game on TVs so I'm always PC gaming on a larger screen. Recently I sold my 1080p SOny and bought a Sony 4K UHD set with a true 120Hz panel and it did change a lot. Everything is more clear, beautiful, like looking through a window.

Matt Lainson

The best thing about these new 4K TVs with 120Hz panels is they also support 1440p@60Hz and 1080p@120Hz. So any game my 1080 can't do in 4K, I play at 1440p 60fps or 1080p 120fps. 4K was a major jump though. I would never go back.

Braken Park

I went from gaming at 1080p on a 970 to 4k on a 1080 ti, and now I'll never be able to go back. Everything is seriously beautiful and sharp

Sayak Dave Dutt

Higher resolution = less need of Anti Aliasing feature
In game distance views becomes sharper tbh its too much expensive now, will be better resolutions and displays in future

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