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Xbox One This sound ok for a recruitment post? I send this message from a far away land. Pick...


Troy Blyth

This sound ok for a recruitment post?

I send this message from a far away land. Pick up this signal and come and fight for the First order. A new empire to strike fear into the hearts of the other factions on this planet.

I am looking for strong soldiers for PvP. Leaders able to carryout my instructions to build a station to secure our goods. Tribes willing to fight for the Dark side of the force.

I need to find my son Luke Skywalker who has come to the Dark side to lead under me as a deputy Sith Lord. Along with my grandson Kylo Ren to assist him. Between us we will build up a force of many army's to hunt, raid and go to all out war.

You see. I saw through the lies of the Jedi. I do not fear the dark side as they do. I will bring fear, anger, power, and the darkside to my new empire.

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