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This post is specifically for the mercy mains in here. Dont you just love how...


Connor Murphy

This post is specifically for the mercy mains in here. Dont you just love how everybody's response to "her rez isnt even that good and is easily countered now" is "even the pros say its OP and should be removed."
I think its funny as shit. The "pros" make up less than 10% of the overwatch community, so why should we all agree with the minority in this situation. Just because the pros say it doesnt mean its instantly law.
Plus the pros play on a completely different scale than the rest of us. They encounter situations that majority of us will never encounter. When all you people ever do is listen to what the pros say, you are riding dick on world wide scale. Develop your own startegies, do what the "pros" cant and get fuckin gud.

Kaili Jennings


Jimmy Axel Johnston

My opinion on the matter was that old Mercy was balanced for old ult charge times, and now that wipes are a lot harder to get consistently (they won't be up for every push now unlike before), having the advantage of 6v5 with her new rez is absolutely bonkers OP.

If blizzard never touched anything, Mercy would be completely fine, but the ult timer changes had a HUGE impact, probably more than most people understand

Kaili Jennings

Oh, woops, sorry, dropped some facts here

Zeek Lowe

though they make up potentially THE 10% 'best' players, so I believe their opinions count for more than this post makes it seem. I agree they 'play on a different scale than us', but they usually play 'optimally'; the way that Overwatch players 'SHOULD' play. So if it's 'op' in those situations, I believe that warrants the "wahh mercy so op nerf plez" comments to a degree

Kaili Jennings

She's got an unbalanced pick rate.
In a game where they never wanted one character to be a "must pick", that's what's happening.

Not picking her in Masters is essentially throwing
You are then FORCED to pick her.
She makes other healers irrelevant.
Its. Not. Ok

Sally-Ann Bennetts

She has 60 heals per second. She dosent need aim. Shes the most mobile with her flight ability, she regens health within a second of not taking damage. She dosent need any skill. Rez isnt whats making her op. Its her heals and simplicty to play. Zen and ana get counterd by genji tracer so they are easy picks. Lucio dosent have the same amount of heals as her. Moira has to deal damage to heal.

Andy Williams

I’ve stated it before, but I play on a higher tier of the game and I climbed from bronze to master. I really do think the mercy Rez is OP, I don’t care what the pros say about it, but I main lucio. I have to switch off my hero to play mercy cause the enemy have a mercy. If I don’t switch we will lose. No one wants to lose, Right?? Mercy’s Rez ability is so important in competitive that it does take away from the other supports in the game. She is the only true healer, every other support is a hybrid.. you see it in ladder all the time, but honestly the rework for mercy will really be balanced and give the other supports a chance to be great in the game.

Muhammad Ayesh Muneeb

It’s not about what pro players think. Just look at her pick rate, the game has never been about one hero. She has outshine other healers by a huge margin. People force support mains to pick Mercy. It should be more about if Mercy suites a particular map or mode instead of no match without Mercy.

Bruce Turley

Bruh... she has flight so she can escape hella situations. A pistol that's not that bad. You do have to aim her heal, that can also be a damage boost. She also has a low risk, super high reward that punishes high risk high reward plays. Fucking nerf her dude. This is coming from a support main who is forced into playing mercy nearly every game.

Connor Murphy

Idk if its the same person typing a fuckin novel, but its been sayin "Someone is writing a comment..." for the last 12 minutes.

Paul Trubiano

A few questions to consider in response this.

Why did blizzard make overwatch?

Why spend any time updating it?

Why is it getting so popular?

Why is there a World Cup? AND a league now?

Why are rich people spending resources to own OWL teams?why are companies spending money to sponsor them? Why are fans spending money to support teams?

The reason they developed the game, and the goal to this day of all the updates, and the reason there’s a league and support are all the same.

Basketball players make millions to put a ball in a hoop. An irrelevant goal. People watch, support, idolize and are willing to pay them that much (same with any sport) for the same reason overwatch is getting popular.

It’s competitive.

Blizzard doesn’t only care what the majority of people the people think. Jeff Kaplan said that in the video. there’s multiple factors.

The one the one that’s at the root of my point is he says something along the lines of “we play the game a lot and we (everyone at blizzard) watch and care deeply about how the game is played” etc etc

Blizzard cares first and foremost about the competitive game-state of the game. They’re smart to study and make changes based on the highest level of competitive gameplay (the pros playing) because it will be better for the game.

The game balance is incredibly important to how the competitive meta plays out. From this lens I think it’s pretty clear why the mercy changes are happening.

If they have a balanced competitive meta it adds value to being good at the game.

like the irrelevant goals of putting a ball in a hoop, or hitting a homer in became marketable skills, so could playing video games. As stupid as that sounds. But you’d need to convince people it’s got value. I.e. it requires intense teamwork, pinpoint accuracy, unreal coordination. Etc etc

TL:DR/Summary of my essay: if they balance the game based of the pros that will be better for the game, and esports as a whole.

Ian Christian

An enemy team with Mercy vs your team w/o Mercy is essentially 7v6 yeah not op at all

I highly doubt this will be the.fimal nerf so hold on to your salt

Gareth Edwards

This shit again

Mark Walls

Conner murphaaaaaaaay

Cassie Alaina

Stop doing drugs, just try to take deep breaths and go on walks

Tristan Fletcher

To all you people saying you need mercy you don't.. I just means you need to pick fights/engagements better... And always force them to fight you...

Madison LuBahn

I’m a Mercy main too and I have to disagree with the majority, I don’t think mercy’s Rez is OP. Her healing is what is OP compared to everyone else. She has best healing out of the supports. Her Rez only works well if the person she is rezzing is actual worth saving and is doing their job. Rezzing someone who just dies again doesn’t make her Rez OP. A good mercy isn’t going to just Rez anybody randomly nor the people not doing their job, which is why I think a lot of people complain. If you know how to, you can easily take care of a mercy trying to Rez someone. She is extremely vulnerable, just kill her with headshots or hook/boop her.

Aadil Saqib

Let me give you a perspective

You lose a game today. What happens? Numbers go down on a screen? Yeah, that it? What can you do here? Get better? Yup. You practice and you can always improve right? You can also use whatever heroes you want but the skill gap at your rank is probably so huge, it doesn't really matter to you if Mercy is meta rn or not. You can play any hero and still win as long as you improve and play better

Now let's look at a pro. He loses a match... Not cause of skill, but cause his team wasn't using a necessary hero like Mercy. She's meta rn and necessary to have an even match. He loses money, fame and fandom. Next time, him and every other pro uses Mercy for every match. For him, it's a necessity and it doesn't matter how skilled he is. Him and his team will lose without a Mercy. And he can't just improve his basics like aim or positioning like you as they're already near perfection as they are. Hero choice and strategy matter a lot more in terms of who wins than just individual skill at this point as everyone is already almost equally exceptional as a player.

Now tell me. Where should you balance the game? At the fucking pro level, dumbshits!

At the pro level there's not a lot of heroes you can play outside the meta to win. Seoul proved that last night as Moira just wasn't enough to change the Mercy dominance.
But what does that mean for the average player if they rework her? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
If you're a bronze Mercy main, you will continue to be a bronze Mercy main no matter what they do to her. If the enemy team has a Mercy and you don't, or vice versa, the win will still depend on who's the better team. There's a huge difference of skill in a bunch of plat players as there's always going to be huge rooms for improvement. These players lack basic positioning and aim. They have no relevance to how heroes work at their rank or not when they still struggle from walking into enemy fire and keeping their damn crosshair on the enemy.

Simon Nøttveit

They play the game at the highest level and know what nerfs/buffs are needed because they know the game in and out.

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