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Xbox One Think servers that give starters are a joke? Don't understand the logic behind...

  • Thread starter Daniel Rafael Reyes
  • Start date

Daniel Rafael Reyes

Think servers that give starters are a joke? Don't understand the logic behind "100xGathering"? Check out Arkitects! We just added Aberration and The Island to our Rangarok cluster.

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We have perfected our low-rates setup in a way that it encourages community, which compliments our unique currency system. To learn more about our Currency, The Arkitoken, take a look at;
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We are searching for serious Survivors who want more out of Ark than just building up to Rockets and raiding beach-noobs; Builders, Breeders, Farmers, Wyvern Milkmen, Reaper-pheromone gatherers. There's a place for everyone right here within our cluster.

Each of our ARKs are slightly different when it comes to PvP.

*The Island has limited PvP, for example ORP is enabled. It's a great place to get started within our cluster.

*Ragnarok is where you go once you are established and can handle the potential PvP.

*Aberration is where you go when you just want to hallucinate and die horribly every couple of minutes.

Our cluster is currently on Season 2. To find out what this means, check out;
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-3x Gathering
-12x Maturation
-Difficulty 6, 180 Wild Dinos.
-4x Hatching
-0.1 Structure Resistance (10% Damage that it usually takes)
-1.6x Fish loot
-1.2x Beacon drop loot
-2x Platform Structure limit
-Modified Player stats for QoL (Increased weight)
-Modified Dino stats for QoL (Increased weight)
-Increased Dino/Player Level cap.

All of our servers currently have a low population, roughly 30 players at peak time across our cluster, so there is plenty of prime real estate still available.

Once you join, be sure to let others know that you are new. There are plenty of friendly tribes that love to help new players get on their feet!

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