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PC They say “play your best hero”. So, I pick Pharah. My computer is fast so I can...


Pericles Underhill

They say “play your best hero”. So, I pick Pharah.
My computer is fast so I can usually lock faster than most players.
Everyone else proceeds to pick DPS.
Next comment, “Pharah should switch”......
“Okay, I’ll go tank”.

Do you guys just not trust Pharah mains? Lol

Tania Mohamed

I play Pharah and end up having to switch a lot because the other stubborn people in my team never want to. Lol. So now I main Moira xD

James Newman

Better than a Widow in quick play lol. Everytime I go to get some practice in quick play and I see a Widow the music from those dog adoption commercials starts playing...

The only issue I have with Pharah is she has too many weird counters. And by "too many" I mean quite a few regular characters you would expect and one you wouldn't, Orisa. That's the main reason I get a little nervous when I see someone pick her. A decent Orisa player will jack up a Pharah. Having a tank be an immediate counter isn't great for her but other than that, most of the time a Pharah is a good pick in my eyes.

Pericles Underhill

I’m good with her, but I do also know when to switch lol

Will Shriver

People are just selfish, thats it. Pharah has counters that are common picks in the ladder. Mcree, Soldier, widow. Thats the only reason i get iffy on pharah picks. Pharamacy is nice, but then the rest of us only have one healer consistently. So idk, pharah is not one im going to defend picking, or bully off of either.

Kristýna Aydinová

Idk I never complain about any player's picks. I just play or build around them.

Lauren Ashley Reed

Its so dumb how the 3rd or 4th person who picks DPS bitches about there being too many DPS’

Jessica Hewitt

I'm a healer main. I hate all dps teams because they all run off in different directions then proceed to spam the "I need healing" button.

Quinn McCormack

Pharah is rendered significantly less useful if there is no mercy and especially moreso if there is a hitscan on opposing team

Eddie A. Linares

I hear your pain....this is why I had to get through last season playing tank or support

Akhyar Imam Siam

The problem is most pharahs cant survive without constant mercy heals. They always force people to play mercy and pocket them

Akhyar Imam Siam

You’re probably good, but most aren’t

Justin Lee LeClair

It's not that they don't trust Pharah, its they don't want to switch so they pick someone else and nag you

Oscar Ruiz

Reminds me of my last ranked match, the mid plat genji who was constantly complaining about getting hacked and or punched by dooomfist; kept mentioning that i should swap off Pharah while I'm getting triple kill barrages to keep the point for us... all 3 rounds he wouldn't shut up about me playing Pharah, how i was being countered by the enemy team having a clueless Mccree and 76. I feel like DPS mains just want to keep the spotlight/ kills so they feel important to the team.

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